Husband & Wife's 3rd Grow. Big Bud & Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
Thought that we would start a grow journal, finally. I have been reading through these thread alot and have been procrastinating on writing a journal. I hope many of you will follow along and comment as much as possible. We have found that this is all trial and error so ALL advice and constructive critisim is welcome! :bigjoint:

So since this is the 3rd grow, we have just finished cleaning up our grow tent and surrounding area. ( our second grow was a disaster!) :evil: We wiped down the grow tent with peroxide and bleached the floor. We let it air out and dry for over 24 hrs while we waited for our BB's to crack. We prepped our soil in the containers and planted our 7 little babies today.

This is what we are using:

4' x 4' x 7' grow tent (hubby made this)
carbon filter: 350 CFM, 66 Can Filter/8“ Can Fan COMBO
HPS light 400
exhaust fan 4"
intake fan 8" to 4"
2 small rotating fans, 6''
Temp guage
Light timer
Pro Mix Soil
3 gal gardening pots

We have decided to start 7 Big Bud seeds while we await the Northern Lights to be delivered. Got some pics in the next post.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of our set up;

We ran out of soil for the 7th container and just sat it in the starter cup for a few hours till we ran out to the store for more soil..



Well-Known Member
Looks very nice. What happened to the last setup you had going/?

Thanks Stumbler!! Yanno, I have no clue really. :-? We grew sumtin my husband called Skunk Haze, some NL, Bag Seed and Big Bud. A total of 11 plants. The skunk haze was a beast and towered over everything. We had to tied it back towards the walls of the tent because no matter how high we raised the light it stretched and burned. I also think it strangled everything. We went on vacation for a week and gave them a good watering/ feeding and used those watering globes (what a Joke!) to come back and find that they were thirsty as hell. (which we expected, but we had no other option) We then went into recovery mode hoping they are stronger than we expected. Then we find we have Nats/ fruit flies? So we are trying to rid of those and put fly tape all over the tent. Come harvest time, the only things we were really able to get from the plants were the Bag seed and NL's. It wasnt much at all. (I have yet to weigh it) And we just chopped down the rest and threw them out. The were all becoming shriveled and had no buds to them what so ever. I am thinking it was more a combination of things that really was detrimental to this grow. So this time we are sticking to the method we used for our first grow and not venturing off on to more difficult tasks. It seems simple is the key.


Well-Known Member
interesting background. Sounds like your plants went too dry and past the point of healthy and could not survive the stress. Compare it to a rose bush that has a repeat of roses bud production. When stressed too much they need time to gain health back and start to produce buds again. Better luck next time though. Hope your not leaving them for a week in late flower this time. pretty important time. Traveling late veg would be better...


Well-Known Member
interesting background. Sounds like your plants went too dry and past the point of healthy and could not survive the stress. Compare it to a rose bush that has a repeat of roses bud production. When stressed too much they need time to gain health back and start to produce buds again. Better luck next time though. Hope your not leaving them for a week in late flower this time. pretty important time. Traveling late veg would be better...

Thanks Relaxed. I think so too. And no traveling plans untill next summer. Which we are going to try and plan harvesting before we leave and replant when we return. We are not gonna throw money and our time out of the window like that again!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone know anything about the
Mosser Lee
Soil Master Moisture, Light & pH Meter
? Will it do the job for the price?

Or have any recommendations on a budget friendly Digital Soil meter?




Well-Known Member
great strains and good setup, ill be checking this out . as for the soil meter i bought the SAME one but didt really work for me so i just stick with the digital PH and PPM meter


Well-Known Member
Since your asking and you are looking for success after not doing so well last go round I have 4 tips that are sure to get you on the perfect track.....

1) Your doing soil so the ppm meter isn't really needed. The PH digital meter is a must and look on ebay for the Hanna $30 one. Buy the solution for cleaning, storage and ph 7.01 check. Be diligent about staying in the 6.4-6.5 ph....with water and water/nuts.

2) using the perfect soil below water the day after you think you need to. The plant roots like a little air and drying out. Will also keep most gnats away as gnats are mainly from too moist soil. Don't mess with the soil meter. Using the soil below you can judge when to water a plant. Pick it up when full feeling how heavy it is. You will notice how light it is when it needs water with very little experience. The plant itself will tell you when it's happy....

3) The perfect soil.....

Soil Mix
Seedling thru 3 wks or clones- 1 gal. Ocean Forest / 1 gal. light warrior / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil

3 wks. on - 2 gals. OF / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil
4) No nuts. are needed in veg. with this soil mix. That is for 2 months. No more messing up with nut. burn...This soil has everything a plant needs...

Off and running with plants that will look like you bought them at the garden center.....


Well-Known Member
im using those digital pen testers that i bought at a hydro store, they look like some fat pens that you just stick in the water, look em up online
Nice looking setup. Love the DIY grow tent! I thought about buying one but I bet its less expensive to make your own? Got anymore pics?


Well-Known Member
Since your asking and you are looking for success after not doing so well last go round I have 4 tips that are sure to get you on the perfect track.....

1) Your doing soil so the ppm meter isn't really needed. The PH digital meter is a must and look on ebay for the Hanna $30 one. Buy the solution for cleaning, storage and ph 7.01 check. Be diligent about staying in the 6.4-6.5 ph....with water and water/nuts.

2) using the perfect soil below water the day after you think you need to. The plant roots like a little air and drying out. Will also keep most gnats away as gnats are mainly from too moist soil. Don't mess with the soil meter. Using the soil below you can judge when to water a plant. Pick it up when full feeling how heavy it is. You will notice how light it is when it needs water with very little experience. The plant itself will tell you when it's happy....

3) The perfect soil.....

Soil Mix
Seedling thru 3 wks or clones- 1 gal. Ocean Forest / 1 gal. light warrior / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil

3 wks. on - 2 gals. OF / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil
4) No nuts. are needed in veg. with this soil mix. That is for 2 months. No more messing up with nut. burn...This soil has everything a plant needs...

Off and running with plants that will look like you bought them at the garden center.....

Thanks so much! I really appreciate the info... I will definitely let my husband know about this tonight!


Well-Known Member
yeah nice tent. simalar to what i wanna make. whats the length of wood you used?
Nice looking setup. Love the DIY grow tent! I thought about buying one but I bet its less expensive to make your own? Got anymore pics?

Thank you. It was much cheaper. The guy at the hydro store told my husband not to bother with the pre made tent, just to make one. It couldn't have been more than maybe $65. I will post all the measurements, equipment needed, ect. along with some more pics tonight when my husband gets in.

Farmer, I do know that the tent measures 4'w x 4'l x 7' h, but Ill get the break down for you all tonight.



Well-Known Member
did you use the paper towel to trick to start the germ? Planting seeds in 3 gal. pots to start isn't the best way. Too big a pot for such small plants. Leaving room for error here unless your a very seasoned grower and they would still tell you it's too big. When you get the OF soil pick up some one gal grow bags from hydro store and dixie cups from reg. store.

should go from paper town to dixie cup then to one gallon and then to 3 or 5 gallon pots. a week or 2 before flower or when they anounce female imo. Having big pots and small plants leads to overwater,underwatering and nut burn issues in plants.