hydro. Everything seems fine, but these spots on 2 plants. Pics inside


First grow. Since I'm a complete newb to growing I decided to use some schwag bagseed.

6th day into 12/12.
400W HPS
Using recommended Nutrition chart/product by Aqua Flakes A&B
Watering 2x daily. (About a total of 4 mins to fill and drain).
Homeade Co2 bottle w/ yeast

I haven't been keeping track of the temps but I keep the air at 71 and have a vent in the closet that blows air down right onto the plants. I want to say with the light it feels around 78-85. I should probably check this soon to get an accurate reading but Ive been too lazy combined with the fact that theres not much I can do atm to help with the heat. I plan on getting a window unit soon but I have to wait.


By the way, the PH was at around 7.0-7.5 .. I lowered it to like 6.5-6.8.

I have 6 plants set up. 2 are showing these symptoms. Anyone??


Well-Known Member
If you are hydro your pH needs to be between 5.2-6.2 with the ideal being 5.5-5.8

Correct it now and your problem shouldnt spread.



Well-Known Member
ya i had/have the same spots... had them a couple weeks back. adjusted the pH and adjusted the nutrients.. disappeared... now they're back. cant figure out why