hydro greenhouse

wow id give my left one for something like that, nice setup man!

id sure like to know how you run this & with what ect...is that nft & dwc?

and moar pix plz ;)
0831121336a.jpg0708121844 (1).jpgThis is a RDWC it has been fun to get this thing dialed in but well worth it. Swamp cooler for the summer,ele heater for them very cold az night lol only had to use it a few nights. There is a float on the res that comes from the ro. All piping is underground same with the air system. Here are a few summer pic. Hope you enjoy.
Stealing your idea of burying the entire hydro system instead of just the reservoir. Seems so common sense!
dope job brother, everything looks mint, whats the hottest its gotten in there and how many btu is ur ac or swamp cooler, im gunna look up what that is keep up the good work