Hydro Harvest ..... How much Longer???

Chronic Czar

Active Member
First let me say that without the information and assistance given to me by the organization I would never have been able to bring this plant to fruition....THANK YOU!!!!
Now I need help with determining when to harvest. First the details:
White Widow / 400w HPS / Has been flowering for 9 weeks / Have been flushing with ph adjusted water for 1 week.
Please review the photos and help me determine approximately how much longer to harvest. I have to leave this plant for 2 weeks before I return. Do you think that it would be better to harvest now or wait 2 weeks. If I wait will I miss the peak?
Any advice you can provide will be appreciated.


Active Member
The only way to tell if they are ripe is to magnify the trichomes with something so you can see the color of the ball on top of the trichomes. Your stigmas are mostly creamy color now which indicated you have a bit to go. When the stigmas are 75-100% brown the color of the trichome will start changing to cloudy then to amber. When the trichomes are 50% amber and 50% cloudy it is time to harvest.


Active Member
easily 2 weeks to go. I say, water em with clean, go for 2 weeks, harvest them babies if they ready. Dont rush, the flavor and buzz is so worth the week or two wait. Happy Growing