Hydro plants won't grow past 3 sets of leaves wtf?


20140407_162829.jpg 20140407_162844.jpg20140407_162922.jpgHello this is my first post but long time reader.

I wish we could meet under better pretenses but I am stumped as hell. I've been growing for a few years but first time I've experienced this bull...

The last 3 times I've had seedlings, they only grow to 3 sets of leaves and yellow then stop growing. My other hydro room has the exact same nutrients/co2/light and and it's growing amazing like all other times. Only difference is new rocks. Does anyone know wtf is goin on? And yes I DID sterilize the other rocks with lots of h202

Light: 1000 hps (about 2 feet away average)
Medium: hydro c.a.p. 12 bucket system with clay rocks / some hydro ton
Nutrients: advanced nutrients micro bloom and grow and b52 ( about 1 ml per liter as per instructions)

U can see from pics the leaves look normal at first set of leaves.
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