Hydro vs. Soil


Active Member
I am on my second grow in soil (FFOF). As i progress and learn more about growing MJ i like to try new ways of growing. I was thinking about going hydro on my next gro but ive been seeing a lot of problem on here with hydro grow, water problems, nutes problem, soft & hard water problem, ect. I havent been "sold" on it yet cause it seems to be more diffacult then a "soil" grow. I'll post below pic's of my second grow, (the one i'm doing now, 5th week flowering) If any one can "sell Me" on doing a hydro please post your pic's here so i can conpair "your" pic's at different stages of growth to mine. It always seems that my plants Look "better" at all stages then those i see grown hydro and im no expert!! this is only my second grow EVER, i'm new to this growing MJ but i LOVE it!! So can someone "sell me" on growing Hydro??? Please post Your pics.



Well-Known Member
theres no real benefit to switching to hydro imho.. And i'm a hydro guy.. I like both ways of doing it.. in a soil grow you have a perpetual grow, you can just keep putting more plants in and have a steady dtream of herb.. in hydro you have "batches" and "lulls" some people have found ways to work around this.. Some people do both soil and hydro for the different flavors and results.. Some swear 1 way or the other that 1 produces more than the other.. It all boils down to the growers preference..

I would suggest you really get to know growing before investing in a new way of doing things.. or go to a single bucket dwc and grow side by side (soil and hydro) to get a good understnading of both...

Best of luck


Well-Known Member
Thats exactlly how i started, always did soil and really wanted to give hydro a shot but was thinking it was just too complicated!
So i decided to do a 5 gal bubble bucket and did a side by side with soil and hydro and if you do the same i can just about promise youll never look back!
The hydro grew faster daily, and in the end had much larger colas then the soil.
Just ph ur solution to 5.8-6.2 keep the h2o just below the net pots and let them bubble! Thats it!! no dirt mess, no repotting, or knats that are usually around with soil.
Give it a shot, ull be impressed!
I do dwc. Did soil and soil less potting mix before. Dwc or hydro gives faster growth no questions about that. It is more expensive for the initial start up but you dont have to keep buying and disposing or soil. So in the end it might be cheaper. Now for quality I would look toward the strain because you can get very good results with either. Also roots can thrive in a smaller space in hydro because there is no soil taking up space therefor you can put more plants in a smaller space. Hydro is also easier to flush and constantly monitor/control your nutes

hydro all the way indoors and soil for outdoors imo


I started with the soil as well. Got curious about hydro. So I built a hydro set up! As posted up earlier. I would NEVER look back to soil again. The growth difference is absolutely astonishing! I see growth every day in my hydro set up! Soil, I seen growth only in the pictures I have took! The soil is dirty and messy! Now there were some things I wasn't prepared for also with Hydro! Like for instance, when I first added nutes! The burn came on super fast. Yet at the same time. I was able to correct this just as fast by adding more water to dilute the nutes. In soil, the nute burn came and stayed for a while! Flushing soil is a headache, cuz soil like to hold what ever you put into it! Thus leaving you with a waiting game! This list could go on and on. I guess the last point that could be a seller is! Yeah, with hydro, The initial set up was a slight project. Then to get everything on schedule, like the nutes, water flow, pH, was in it self a small task too. Once every thing was in order tho, I basically watch my plants grow now, with very little effort! One last pro to Hydro that is a big seller for me too. I travel a lot. I have been gone for up to week at a time. With a constant self retaining system. I came home to just bigger, healthy plants Soil was difficult for me in this sense! Then there is the fact that I may just have a knack for hydro and not soil! It is a 'to each their own' thing. So in my opinion. HYDRO ALL THE WAY!