Hydrocodone Painkiller Being Developed, Abuse Experts Worried

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
NEW YORK -- Drug companies are working to develop a pure, more powerful version of the nation's second most-abused medicine, which has addiction experts worried that it could spur a new wave of abuse. The new pills contain the highly addictive painkiller hydrocodone, packing up to 10 times the amount of the drug as existing medications such as Vicodin. Four companies have begun patient testing, and one of them – Zogenix of San Diego – plans to apply early next year to begin marketing its product, Zohydro. If approved, it would mark the first time patients could legally buy pure hydrocodone. Existing products combine the drug with nonaddictive painkillers such as acetaminophen.

Yet Cannabis, which has never killed anyone is still illegal and still a schedule 1 drug. We're about to see a spike in hydrocodone overdose deaths.



Well-Known Member
Yeah and after 8 years of eating hydros you will be begging for methadone like i am now on to get away from hydro's that have wrecked what lil bit of a life i did have. Withdraws are no joke, shit does not help with pain.


Well-Known Member
How is any different than having a pain clinic order a compunded, personalized pain killer? They can make any level of hydro's, with any mixture of non-narco additives, or without? There are compunding pharmacies in every city.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and after 8 years of eating hydros you will be begging for methadone like i am now on to get away from hydro's that have wrecked what lil bit of a life i did have. Withdraws are no joke, shit does not help with pain.

Methadone is way stonger than hydro's, and much more addictive. All it is is trading a lighter med for a stonger one. Unless you're addicted to Heroin, Methadone is not for coming down off of hydros. This is my understanding, and if someone can correct me please do, in a polite manner please. I'm not in the mood for a fight today....


Ursus marijanus
Methadone is way stonger than hydro's, and much more addictive. All it is is trading a lighter med for a stonger one. Unless you're addicted to Heroin, Methadone is not for coming down off of hydros. This is my understanding, and if someone can correct me please do, in a polite manner please. I'm not in the mood for a fight today....

Ime methadone is no stronger than either hydro-or oxycodone (I was using huge amounts of the latter toward the end). Methadone is somewhat longer-lasting in its felt effects, but withdrawal from methadone was much worse for me than kicking a much bigger oxydone habit.
That said, everyone's drug responses are different, and ymmv. cn

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I don't take pills very often, I'm afraid of addiction. But, when I had surgery and I was on a drip line and I was pain-free for the first time in years.

I had forgotten what it felt like to feel no pain. It was amazing and I was thankful for that time without it. I'm so use to it that it is just how life is.


RIU Bulldog
Methadone is way stonger than hydro's, and much more addictive. All it is is trading a lighter med for a stonger one. Unless you're addicted to Heroin, Methadone is not for coming down off of hydros. This is my understanding, and if someone can correct me please do, in a polite manner please. I'm not in the mood for a fight today....
Methadone is used for coming off any opiate or opiate analogue. In fact, I went to the methadone clinic to get off my addiction to methadone. I loved it. Like CN said, it's like percocets that last all day long....terrible if you love opiates like I did. I was buying methadone off the street if you believe it. I finally found the clinic when I wanted to get clean. My other 'cohorts' were going to the clinic because you could get a much larger dose of methadone for a lot cheaper, and working the system to get high for less. Thanks God I didn't. Methadone saved my life bro, and got me off the streets, and fixed my chemistry so I can concentrate on getting clean. At the rate I'm going, I should be off it completely in June-ish or maybe even sooner!


Well-Known Member
I take prescribed perks every day. I don't understand the attraction. It never makes me buzzed. If I take too much it just makes me kinda numb. Not real pleasant. But life w/o them would surely suck.


Well-Known Member
Methadone is way stonger than hydro's, and much more addictive. All it is is trading a lighter med for a stonger one. Unless you're addicted to Heroin, Methadone is not for coming down off of hydros. This is my understanding, and if someone can correct me please do, in a polite manner please. I'm not in the mood for a fight today....
I just started with them to get away from all the hydro's. was eating over 240 hydros a month along with all the morphine to. So from a total pill intake 400 pills amonth I am down to 90 of methadone, opiate's where not doing anything for me. my pain was through the roof where i could not move off the couch. Now with small does of methadone I am able to move and have way less pain for now...Your not starting a fight lol, just being open of what I went through and when I see people eating tons of hydros like i was I like to give them heads up that it is going to be a nasty ride down the road to try and kick the hydro's along with all the damage they will do to your body... day i try to stop the methadone i hope I am able to smoke lots of really good pot to help with the with drawles


Well-Known Member
Luckily I've never been in a position where I had to take any form of opiates other than when I got my wisdom teeth out many moons ago. Recreationally I can count on 1 hand how many pills I've consumed. Unfortunately the damage they do is all around me. Nasty little devils. Here is picture that sums up the pharmie industry:


Well-Known Member
read the link and it is still not going to be legal it would just be another option for a Dr. to prescribe you a pain killer. They calm it is easier on the liver to just have pure hydrocodone

I though it was funny that they made a Oxycontin that squishes instead of crumbles to prevent abuser from snorting it lolz

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
No, and my lungs still hurt really bad. It sucks.
Maybe you should file a police report? She is placing your life in danger with her games. Change your code and tell her to stay the fuck out of your life. Call your doctor. Explain what happened and see if he will refill your prescription.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should file a police report? She is placing your life in danger with her games. Change your code and tell her to stay the fuck out of your life. Call your doctor. Explain what happened and see if he will refill your prescription.
lol, no doctor will fill a scrip before it is due, the fist thing they will say is junkie, they have heard everything under the sun why people run out of scripts before the time.and to top it off they can write junkie in Ur file and good luck on trying to get anything from any doctor ones you get flaged....Pills are bad shit. anything chemical is no good. know how many drug company's will go belly up if they do more medical MJ. I know it sucks to have someone take Ur meds,but it is ur responsibility to keep them safe

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
lol, no doctor will fill a scrip before it is due, the fist thing they will say is junkie, they have heard everything under the sun why people run out of scripts before the time.and to top it off they can write junkie in Ur file and good luck on trying to get anything from any doctor ones you get flaged....Pills are bad shit. anything chemical is no good. know how many drug company's will go belly up if they do more medical MJ. I know it sucks to have someone take Ur meds,but it is ur responsibility to keep them safe
My doctor has on several occasions. Depends on your relationship with your doctor. I've had the same doctor for years.