HydroHut Ebb n Flow tons of pics


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my first grow and would like to share with you guys for some tips and advice, its a 3x3 ebb n flow flood drain 400w mh conversion for veg to 400 hps for flower. 20 Gal res 2 4inch air stones using general hydroponic solution im gonna ass a grow chart later Strains are white widow, big buds, northern Lights I am usin rockwool treated in a conditioner just planted the big buds and northern but only one widow seed broke i will include pics i have the seeds in a dark place and would love some advice here r some pics of the set up

"I will include pics then some pics of the rockwool cubes after transplant



Well-Known Member
you've got the EXACT same setup as me.

i'm in my 16th day of flower and my buds are looking great.
i dont know if its my strain or my setup but i think hydro grows faster than soil.

anyway, if youve got any questions or wonder what ur plants might look like, check my grow out.

good luck, ur gonna have a nice grow.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome man maybe you can give me some pointers how long until you fed nuts? When do you think i should throw them under the lights? I have the seeds in a dark place nice and waterd


Well-Known Member
ok here are the rockwool cubes im using and also the nutes. I will be setting up my res tomorrow getting the water to about 72-75 i have the rockwool in a dark place with a little fan circulationg the air a little, how long do you think i should wait to give them nutes and light?



Well-Known Member
i bought my plants as clones so i threw them under the lights immediately.

in regards to nutes, you said you had a chart - feed them a quarter what it says. i fed mine the amount it said and they got nute burn - not too bad but still not healthy.

other than that, just stick to schedule and check your pH daily or as often as you can if not. keep the pH around what the chart says, mine had a soil and a hydro recommended pH.


Well-Known Member
Do you think this is too much?

seedlings Gro 25ml
Micro 25ml
Bloom 25ml

im talking just for the seedlings im using my 35 gallon res but only putting 20 gallons of water in it so all those numbers are based on a 20 gal res

so ml per 20 gal what do you think?
I also have ppm reader and ph test kits so i should be cool

Also Soaked my rockwool in the conditioner you see on the bottom



Well-Known Member
the 1/4 rule is a good one to follow, Nute burn early on can badly damage plants in later life, and increase the chance of hermaphroditism


Well-Known Member
thanks man so do you like that chart? Do you think thats good? Ok 3 of my white widow seeds have broke and they got put into rockwool too im using straight distilled water? Should i put the water in the res make sure ph is about 5.7 and get it heated first? Can someone answer me when should i start nuts i heard not until 3 weeks, should i just spray the rockwool with distilled water for now?



Active Member
i'm using the exact same setup as you except my i only filled my res w/ 10 gallons. I started using nutes about 2 weeks into it. as far as spraying goes that's what i did, one thing you have to check is the ph, it does rise quite a bit while sitting in the res.


Well-Known Member
ok were you spraying the rockwool with regular distilled water or were you phing the water then putting it into the sprayer. So im gonna use 20 gallons i have ph down once i throw the water in the res do you think i will need to ph down the water distilled water is at 6.0. Then heat to around 72 right?

Below are the pics of my res its a 35 gallon res im wondering how much water i should put in the tray is 4 inches deep > i have a heater and 2 4inch air stones and the ph down



Well-Known Member
forgot to tell you guys i got the seeds from amsterdam seeds they came 3 weeks to us heres how they come




Well-Known Member
ok i just filled my res with 12 gal of water tested the ph and its readin a 6 i guess because i bought distilled water do you think i need to lower it how much?


ok, here's some information for you.

You can start nutes as soon as you put the seeds in rockwool. I tested this and survived up to 500ppm to start with, i use 200 for saftey.

Im going to say start at 400ppm in your res, test how much of your nutes adds how much ppm to that 20 gals, and even them out.

I figure some advice is better than none. i have not successfully completed a hydro grow, but these ppms have not killed my plants with fox farm nutes.

those ml's to the gallon cant be answered, you need to check your nute levels via PPM, not how much you add.


Well-Known Member
ok i filled the res and gave it a test run and the tray filled up and the rockwool was like almost floating should i put more rocks in it how far should the water come up the rockwool?>

and thanks for the advice on the nutes man


Active Member
I had my rockwool cubes in a growing tray for about 2 weeks before I put them in my hydro setup. Here is what I did:

I put 1/2 gallon of water in a bowl, and mixed in 1/4 tsp of the GH Micro, grow, and bloom... Usually the Nutes balanced the PH, and I didn't have to adjust. Then I dipped the cubes in the water when they dried out, and had them under 24 hrs of 400W MH light. Don't soak them! I didn't have the light close enough and one stretched. But I have 3 good looking plants now, so it seemed to work for me.

I'm on my first grow, so I am no expert, but that is what I did to start if that helps... Here is how they look now: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/7787-my-first-grow-crystal.html


The rockwool should be burried in the hydroton. not on top.. if its burried.. it should not float... did you set them on top of the hydroton?


Well-Known Member
yes i know it is buried but when my tray floods they are soaked with water i have 12 gallons in the res, should i just take some water out? ill take some pics and show you what i mean

below are the rockwool now when i flood the system itt gets realy soaked i mean it doesnt float but it looks like its about too

do you think i should drain some water from the res how much of the rockwool should be under water?




a flood and drain system is meant to "flood"... and then drain off... make sure your table is not overflowing, and you will be okay.. your rockwool should be completely burried.. all you should see is a plant comming out of a hydroton, for best results. IMHO...

this is how most of us do it.


Well-Known Member
so its cool if the rockwool gets soaked i guess it will dry out real quick anyway im gonna flood 3 times a day for about 15 min you think that is ok?
and my seeds havent popped through yet how long should i wait to put them under lights thanks guys