HydroHut Silver Toxic?


So here is the story, I have had this hydrohut for two grows now, first grow was a SOG style, and I got "Claw leaf" real bad till they began to flower and everything was fine so I figured it was a Nitrogen claw.

Next I put a new batch of clones in the same room as tent and claw begins, once inside tent, clawed up major.

When they clawed, I transplanted from hydroton to rockwool and flushed till the plants started turning yellow and have started them @ 200 for one week and 400 for this week. They still have claw, not one plant is 100% recovered. But I should say they look better for the most part. The strangest part is some plants look yellowish, some look pretty dark green, others have very yellow new growth.

Now here is what makes me suspect the tent, when I tranplanted, I left 3 plants in hydroton wich I planned to let die, I put them next to my kitchen sink with no care for 3 days, I didnt have the heart to let them die, so I water them with the SAME water from my resivor the rest of the plants were drinking. They started to grow normally!

So I have a closet in the hallway I keep mom plants in, ebb n flow just like the grow room, same PPM, same PH, same water source. all plants in there that had severe "claw" are now close to normal. Two days ago I removed the worst clawed plant from the tent and put it in the closet, today it looks almost normal...

Both setups have the same enviroment, same nutes, same water except the closet has a CFL setup and grow room has a 600w hps with 24 6" plants under it

Both have
65-80F Temps
400 PPM GH flora nova grow
Taper water PHed @ 6.0

Anyone ever here of the HYDRO HUT SILVER having problems? I dunno how old it is, was a craigslist score but looked brandnew..