hydroponic questioning!!


Active Member
i have recently been worried either my plants are getting too much nutrients or not enough. im in the last few weeks of flowering and ive read to actually lower your nutrients is that true? also i have a ph meter and a ppm meter. some recommendations say to leave ph to5.2 to 5.8 others say 5.8 to 6.2. i try to keep mine at a standard 6 should my ph be lower? Also when giving nutrients i use general hydroponics. Now my through my research ive ran into wats called ec ( electrical conductivity) how does that effect my ppm and how should i test it ... during flowering im afraid to give more than 1000 ppm and the bottle says i culd use up to 1400. a few books i read said to use half the recomondations. NE imput on my problem w ppm and does this corrispond with my co2 and lighting? also wats the proper amout of nutrient solution should i shoot out my drippers a day? :) sorry for all the ?s just trying my best to get the juiciest buds im a addict!!!!