I <3 AnnArbor


Well-Known Member
Was with my friend down in AnnArbor for the weekend. A group of kids walked past us smoking a J which we figured heck why not us? So I whipped out my stash, long story short ended up getting busted only a $25 ticket :shock:


Well-Known Member
You can thank John Sinclair for that. That's only within The city limits though, and not on the UofM campus. If they catch you with that shit on campus they'll try and fuck you.


Well-Known Member
Where is annarbor? Sounds french.....
It's in Michigan. It's were the U of M Wolverines are from.

I've been there, had an aunt that lived there. Also went for their "Hash Bash" they have every summer. It was pretty lame. Nothing but a college town.:peace: