I am buying my first house and have 2 rooms +rep


Active Member
i am getting my new house soon hopefully and am looking to set up 2 decent size rooms and need some advice from some exp growers.
Up till now i have been growing auto flowering plants in a 2mx1.5m cupboard in a variety of tanks, pots and ways.
When i move i am planning on switching from auto's to clones which will be provided by a friend.
One room is 2mx2m and i am planning on using the loft. I am going to use 600watt lights on light movers, but can't decide on the growing method. I am planning on breaking into the chimney stack and venting the hot air out of the air cooled hoods i have.
Anyone grow on the same size i am considering?? What method would be best? easiest?
Would i be best looking at a system with one res for the whole room or multiple smaller res's??
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated +rep


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
heres my bedroom setup. i am now running two 1000wtt hps..


Active Member
Im currently in the process of building a couple rooms. I can't help ya out much in regards of what to do with the size of your rooms but I will have 3 rooms roughly 10x10
But I'd recommend a veg and flower room. I plan on having a third harvest room.
If you go this way you pretty much have to grow monsters, depending on the flower time of your strain.
With white widow for example (10 weeks flower) I would take clones when I move plants to flower. Keeping a couple mothers.
Stick clones under cfls for 2 weeks than in veg under mh for 2 months. At this time white widow is done flowering.
Move these to harvest, veg to flower, do clones, and you got your self a wicked perpetual cycle.

That's what I plan on doing but you dont have a harvest room. Also you'd be pulling a lot of weed out this way too so unless thats what you want to do my help is useless :-P lol gl

Another thing you could do is harvest in one of your rooms and veg and flower in the other.
That would prob work pretty good too, just with the extra room id harvevst twice for your one


Well-Known Member
congrats on a great space to have to flower in. I am envious my flowering cabinet is only 35 inches tall

Brick Top

New Member
Very detailed dimensions and if possible some sort of drawing, even if crude, pictures would be wonderful though, and how you intend to use each area would give people a bit more to work with to give you some advice. People cannot see the spaces so you need to describe them in a way that people will be able to somewhat picture them.

No matter what it is, when it comes to growing and asking questions …. the more information you can provide, even if you think it might be trivial and meaningless, the better your odds are of receiving decent advice.


Active Member
Very detailed dimensions and if possible some sort of drawing, even if crude, pictures would be wonderful though, and how you intend to use each area would give people a bit more to work with to give you some advice. People cannot see the spaces so you need to describe them in a way that people will be able to somewhat picture them.

No matter what it is, when it comes to growing and asking questions …. the more information you can provide, even if you think it might be trivial and meaningless, the better your odds are of receiving decent advice.
Ok well i haven't checked the loft and we are about a month from picking up the keys, so lets just start with the bedroom.
Its 12'5 x 8'7 and rectangular, theres one window and I am going to run a water supply into the room and will put 600 watt lights on movers to cover all the floor space. I really liked the idea of the intakes boxed over the windows like in the video but not sure how good that would be in a terraced house in uk.
I am looking firstly for peoples opinions for what system to use and whether to get one resevoir for the whole room(esoterics do a pod flood and drain system which looks interesting but a bit pricey) or whether to have multiple resevoirs and do NFT or aero.


Active Member
Ok well i haven't checked the loft and we are about a month from picking up the keys, so lets just start with the bedroom.
Its 12'5 x 8'7 and rectangular, theres one window and I am going to run a water supply into the room and will put 600 watt lights on movers to cover all the floor space. I really liked the idea of the intakes boxed over the windows like in the video but not sure how good that would be in a terraced house in uk.
I am looking firstly for peoples opinions for what system to use and whether to get one resevoir for the whole room(esoterics do a pod flood and drain system which looks interesting but a bit pricey) or whether to have multiple resevoirs and do NFT or aero.
And i've got a mate who is going to grow mothers for me. i was thinking of veging and flowering the whole room at one time so i can crop it all at the same time.
If i plant the rooms 6 weeks apart i should be cropping a room about every 6 weeks which is where i wanna be really.
I am moving to a terraced house by the sea in the uk so need to be discrete any help would be great


Well-Known Member
Dude, watch the movie called "See More Buds" I downloaded it off piratebay. They have one room and divide it into 3 sections, 2 for flowering and 1 for veg.
You will need a 12 inch exhaust (1100cfm) per room with 450CFM carbon filter per room. An intake fan around 500CFM is recommended. Divide the rooms into 4x6 areas with 3 600w per area