I am sure I Am gonna fu*k this up....but

ok...I got some bag seeds (yes they are crappy, I have MUCH better seeds when I know I wont kill them)....the seeds are germinated...about 18 of them...15 are healthy little seedlings...about 2 inches tall...I want to transfer them and grow them in a "stelth hydro" system....does anyone know anything about these "kits" do they work or am i wasting my money...here is a link to the web site http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/product.php?xProd=2&xSec=54 .....Also I plan on using LED red blu light...they are red 7.2lux 165 lights, and blue 4.8lux 60 lights...this is all in one light pannel.... here is the link to the lights... http://shop.sunshine-systems.com/product.sc?productId=10 (these are not the exact lights i will be using, but a good representation of them) i will be using 4 pannels in a 6x3 foot grow room lined with mylar....ventalation is not an issue, nor is heat. I have a fan in the room bringing fresh 72 deg air in, and a charchol filter pulling it out...the room has it's own AC/Heat system installed.....does this sound like a workable system? does anyone have expirence with this type of set up...any ideas? hints? please let me know...


Well-Known Member
If heat isn't an issue, go with HIDs, you'll do twice as well as you will with those LEDs. Personally, I think you'd be better off choosing the biggest dual-spectrum CFL, in that hydro ad you posted, as opposed to those LEDs. Sorry man, I'm still not sold on any of the cheaper LED systems, and wary of all but the best of the best, most expensive ones. :)