I broke one of my arm on my plaint


I broke one of my arm on my plaint trying to bend it to get more light in the middle then it just split a little and kinda went little to far and split it not toldey off but dam there but I got a wooden close pin holding it in place with it still be fine or am I kinda screewed
You will know real soon. Like in hours if it will live or not. If tomorrow its fine, secure it better. I splint my bends or breaks like bones. I use a piece of a chop stick thats long enough to be 1-2 inches past both ends of the break. Then secure above and below.
Use a piece of masking tape. Just tight enough to support the branch. Leave a tab you can get a hold of in the future. Now place splint if needed. Same tape and tab. In a week or so you carefuly cut the tape along the tab and gently remove.
I broke one of my arm on my plaint trying to bend it to get more light in the middle then it just split a little and kinda went little to far and split it not toldey off but dam there but I got a wooden close pin holding it in place with it still be fine or am I kinda screewed
I broke a finger messing with my plants, lol.

Seriously though. No need to worry. Just patch the stem up with tape or something. I use soft ties, but it doesn't really matter. The plant will heal itself pretty quick. These plants can take some abuse.
I broke a finger messing with my plants, lol.
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Seriously though. No need to worry. Just patch the stem up with tape or something. I use soft ties, but it doesn't really matter. The plant will heal itself pretty quick. These plants can take some abuse.
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I was seriously bout to post a joke about him having some strong stems to break his arm on one but you beat me to the joke.
Thanks man but I found a method grab one of the Leafs put in your fingers spit on your fingers a little my sound gross but it's bending fingers a little rub it in your hands just like paste put it kind of around it where you broke it and use the clothes pin can hold in place and Min didn't act like it was dying or nothing so that worked out for me the best and it's kinda natural Band-Aid