i can just vap all day


Active Member
idk why but i can Vaporizer all day and not put it down Just pulled this bad boy back out yesterday, cause i smoke to much and last harvest ran out, you know how it is. so i bought some buds i dont quit like the taste of through the pipe and i felt i didnt deserve to be in my FDD original but anyways anybody else just cant seem to get high enough with the vap


Well-Known Member
I have a vaporizer i paid about 300 for it and the temperature gets up to 260 degrees and doesnt seem to get me very high.

My buddys got a vaporizer he paid 400 for it this things goes like 400 degrees and just fills the bag with vapour and when you take a hoot you will actually cough. I think you can get higher from a vaporizer than actually burning the weed in a pipe or something/.


I just started vaping and i noticed that it takes 5x the amount of bud for me to get high. Also, I noticed the high is a little different.....anybody else notice a different kind of buzz when using a vape?


Well-Known Member
its threads like this that make me happy ive never wasted my money on a vape, i smoke 20-30 cigs a day so obviously not too concerned bout health n i just carnt see ne other advantage to a vape????


Well-Known Member
nah man smk a volcano or zephyr or vtower extreme and then tell me how u like vapes. Whips dont do it for me but a nice bag from a volcano will get ya lifted and it only uses ~.15g at a time=2 bags. And who eva told ya to heat it to 400 is crazy, the whole point of the vape is to gently heat the bud until thc can be vaporized which isa hella lot lower then 400. If ur bud is brown/black after u vape the temp is too high and u might as well torch the shit with ur bic. once it looks lifeless chuck the bud or sell it to some 9th graders


Active Member
i get alot more visual imparement from the vape vs. smoking it.

i find its all in the preheating of the vape to get nice hacking rips. lol


Active Member
ya i got a volcano and i suck these bags down all day lol i should quite for a lil or at least find better tasteing bud :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member

haha honestly ive never smoked a bag vape but all i can say is ive smoked out of a few different whips and IMO i dont really get that high. It takes way more weed for me to get the proper level, But im an avid Bong toker so idk.


Active Member
I smoke out of the volcano when I buy cause my dealer has one and yeah I def get super high off that, then I own a nice little hot box paid $160 for it and I love it, it doesn't get me as high as the volcano, but it still does a very nice job I'd say I smoke about the same amount of weed for the same high as any other piece I've used. For me the hot box is just perfect, and yeah I totally have a tough time putting it down though, haha


Active Member
i got like one of every thing except a oil lamp for my bong but i still enjoy a blunt the most and my sherlock as a close second and prolly the oil pipe after that


Well-Known Member
Bag vape is the way to go. Maybe you guys aren't noticing the high as much as you would from a joint or blunt? When I vape I get a heady high instead of a body/couchlock high like I get with other methods of toking.


Well-Known Member
Bag vape is the way to go. Maybe you guys aren't noticing the high as much as you would from a joint or blunt? When I vape I get a heady high instead of a body/couchlock high like I get with other methods of toking.
exactly... it's just a different high


Active Member
I totally agree with you brandon, well like especially about the head high, but I think its a lot of user-preference cause I know people who do prefer a more body type high so they don't really like the vapes, but those who are head high all the way usually love the vapes


Active Member
Yeah for sure, but also I've noticed that very little can hit you like a vape, load a new bowl and take a nice slow long hit that you send deep into the lungs and hold it for 10 seconds and bam you feel it.