I Challenge YOU to diagnose these leafs - see Pic


The lower leafs seem to be getting a brown patchy tint to them. Shes 4 weeks old, no nutrients so far so it couldnt be nute burn. I read somewhere that it may be heat stress, and subsequently moved the light firther away, now aprox 4ft away. I have transfered her into my NFT tank.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. This is my first attempt (that has gotten this far!!) and would be a pitty if she were to die before i can smkoe her to death. .

Anyway, please have a glance at the photo below and let me have your diagnosisssssssss





Active Member
I have the same problem and the suggestions I got was to add cal/mag like Punker said. I plan to get some tomorrow when the stores are open and see if it helps mine. Good luck