I could use the advice of a pro!


New Member
So i just set up a 20 gallon tub system with 6 plants, that i just took out of a clome dome, all the roots are hanging out of the bottom of the net pots into the res?all plants have waterlines going to them, water about an inch over bottom of the 3 in net pots, a 5 in round airstone 8 in long by 2 in airstone and 2 in dia airstone, and i set it up sunday and come monday after work the roots started getting alttle borwn slime on them, so i read the it might be because the water temp was to high at 77, so ive been trying to keep that down around 68 and it doesnt seem to be getting worse, but how can i clean my system out without having to flush the 20 gallons out, is there something i can run through with the plants still in the tub or what should i do:(! And onfo would be nice!!!