I Didnt See This In The Grow GAQ So Here>>Soil Mix Recycling Chart 4 The non Wealthy


Active Member
Okay So I will Be Talking About True Living Organics,we're going to cover soil mixxing recycling.recycling can significantly increase the quality of your organic herb.(While Also Saving Money) :) ..Properly recycling soil will improve nearly every aspect of your crop,including yeild vigor,disease resistance,and all characteristics of the high type.:mrgreen::blsmoke::twisted:

Amendment: /Benefit:

(Coffee Grounds/Nitrogen and Great Organic Matter.)

(Lawn Clippings/Nitrogen,Phosphorous,potassium.Also Introduces microlife(Biodiversity)

(Banana peels/Potassium,Excellent Organic Matter)

Oranges peels/Beneficial mold And great Organic)

Oatmeal/Iron And Calcium ,Plus Trace Elements and Fantastic organic matter)

Raisins/Simple Sugars For The Microlife And A Good Source Of Iron and Calcium)

Black Beans/Excellent Nitrogen Source.Adds To Soil Structure.Awsome Long Term Organic Matter.)

Hair/Exellent Nitrogen And Trace Organic Matter)

Earth worms castings/Rich In Humic Acids And Micronutrients.)

Mushroom Compost/Exellent Source Of Fungus,But Be Sure Its Organic!!!!)

Kelp Meal/Trace elements (Loved by Fungus)

Blood Meal/High Nitrogen And A host Of Trace Nutrients)

Bone Meal/High Phosphorous,Some Nitrate Nitrogen,Calcium,And some trace elements

Soft Rock Phosphate/offers your microlife Sulfur,Magnesium,And Phosphous)


Dolomite Lime/Magnesium And Calcium(USED HEAVILY DURING FLOWERING)

(Okay Guys Hope This Helpped And I Hope I didint Write This For Nothing I JUst Wanted To Help Out With Some Information) Hope To Get Some Good Rep (:mrgreen:)!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
sounds good man...but what next? are you saying throw all of this together and let rot and compose into some good, rich (and cheap) soil?


Well-Known Member
I had a worm bin they multiply fast, eat even paper. Feeding time they were like piranhas.

All the info is on the net. Just do not feed them kelp it constipates them. Certainly a couple coolers of worms can dispose all household food waste.

The worms are like pets and there is work involved. I set my worms free in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Worms are like pets?

(Picturing you petting a worm, him stretched out on your lap with his belly up.)

Anyway I like what you're talking about, but how do you keep pests like gnats away and not transfer those or worse to your plants?


Well-Known Member
I used neem it did not hurt the worms. I did not directly spray the worms.
Far as the gnats go. A couple days of sub zero temps will kill all the gnats in your favorite amendments larvae and eggs. This is a no shitter it works. No oven just a freezer