I don't believe its rot


New Member
Hi I am looking at a problem that has been hard to diagnose I was hopping for some onions

I am using an EBB Flow system we have many different strains and this happens to all of them. Perhaps some less then others.
It starts on the lower buds and seems to work its way up. there is no bad smell. The lower buds will have this starting to happen at the beginning of the flower cycle. Then it seems to get worse. However some of the plants will not show any sign of this until the very end then it starts to catch on the lower buds.
the buds seem to grow spindly and have no trichs. It looks like they are being shaded out however, this happens even with lower buds that are directly under the lights. Not shaded out. I also thing they seem to be traveling up the plant. I have been looking for insects with out luck.
I have come to think that it could possibly be from algae. It seems the nutrients are being sucked out of the plant.
It also caused the plant to finish early.

I only have this picture atm I will get some more to post
thank you



Well-Known Member
More pics of the whole plant. That in your hand looks a little bit like a nanner bunch.