I Found this Growing in My Flower Bed. Is It a Marijuana Plant?


Active Member
I was just out doing some trimming around my landscaping and came across this plant. It's leaves stuck out to me as being very similar to a marijuana plant. Is it? I'm looking and trying to compare to online pictures and it seems to be. How is this possible? I didn't plant any seeds or anything.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
could be cleome. it does look a lot like cannabis but the leaves are too tapered from the palm. cleome plants make flowers.



Well-Known Member
We get those all over the place here... if you let them grow, they'll take over.... did it pull out of the soil like a vine, with a long tap root?

okay. i was going to wait and see what happens with it, but i'll rip it out.


Active Member
okay. i was going to wait and see what happens with it, but i'll rip it out.
It ripped from the root as I was trying to pull it out. I got a shovel and the root went pretty deep. I'm actually not sure I got it all, so it might be coming back. I love the look of the leaves though - for a very obvious reason.