I found your guerilla grow site!


New Member
I was having some fun yesterday scouting out guerilla sites. After some off-trail hiking and exploring, I happened upon a great spot: about one or two acres of pricker bushes on a south facing slope and no trees above. I hadn't noticed any signs of humans since leaving the trail 1/2 mile ago, no trash, footprints, nothing. So I cracked open the beer I brought with me and started surveying this excellent site. While walking the perimeter of this pricker field, I even noticed a water source that looked like it diverted water from the road. But it was too good to be true....

While walking more of the perimeter, I noticed a few beer cans and a 100 Grand wrapper. Keep in mind that I had not seen anything human for about 1/2 mile and there are no trails. A few more paces away, I noticed something familiar and identified it as a remnant of a red party cup. A few more paces away was the head of a shovel and a 5 gallon bucket. A couple hundred more feet away were the remains of some old planters. Apparently others had already decided this was a great guerilla site and had beat me to the punch.

I will be going back this summer to see if they are still out there using the site and to try to 'out-guerilla' the guerilla growers. It is a huge thicket, and I am confident that I am a better outdoorsman than them. No doubt I will be able to sneak a few plants in there....

Just thought I'd share. I have some pics of the evidence they left behind on my phone but have no idea how to get them on the computer, it is an old phone.

May no one find your site. Good luck all!


Well-Known Member
haha a little sign would be funny. but it depends on who the other grower is. u dont wanna get shot from some crazy ass mountain man, i mean ur in the woods already, obviously nobody else around. all he would have to do is dig a hole. gotta be smart man
a plant isnt worth ur life. i would deffinatly just scope the place out for a while befor doing any setting up. see if the other people show up, and if they look friendly lol


Well-Known Member
if they are planning on using the same spot again they will deffinatly be back to clean up. if they just leave all that there its probly dumb teens, or arent planning on ever going there again


New Member
if they are planning on using the same spot again they will deffinatly be back to clean up. if they just leave all that there its probly dumb teens, or arent planning on ever going there again
I am fairly hopeful it was abandoned at least 2 years ago. The beer cans were Budweiser (why the fuck someone would drink that shit here in Portland is beyond me) and the red was faded to a light orange, almost yellow color. I think that kind of fading takes at least a year or two, but I am no Budcanfadeatologist. I am quite tempted to hike back out there today with the digi camera just to show you all.


Well-Known Member
well if it looks old it probably is, atleast 6 months or so for a can to fade im guessing. i would just make sure u got a knife or something when ever u head up there just in case. some people would think its funny as hell if u walked up on there field wanting to plant there too, but other people think of it as compatition and would kill any one ina heart beat ya kno lol just be careful i guess


Well-Known Member
if you want to really check it out. buy a hunters camera ment to use for deer stands. All kinds of prices and now (just after deer season) many will be on sale used. Mount one in your area to monitor movement before planting. Well spent money in my opinion. If anyone asked....I am checking out the area for animal watching and/or deer movement. I heard there were big bucks in the area....


New Member
Thanks for your concern, jumboSWISHER. I think my best bet to stay safe will be to bring my binoculars and observe the site for other people from some remote, safe area. Probably a good idea to bring the binoculars anyway to have an excuse for being out there.

The question now is: will the former growers return? If they do, wil they be friendly?

Here in Portland, most people are super nice and very chill. But, better to be safe than dead and buried in a thicket...yikes


New Member
you should check the beer can for dates
That is actually a great idea, although I didn't get the chance. I was just out there snapping some pics and vid (which I will post in a minute or two) when I came across the largest animal I have ever seen.

This thing was either an elk or a moose, and was only 30 feet from me when I noticed it. It was on the other side of a thicket. I did not want to risk it, because it could have been a territorial male during mating season or just an asshole moose. So I took off. I looked for it again from a safe place, but could not spot it.

I will have some pics of the evidence and some vids of the 'field of dreams'. I do not think I will use this spot though, as it is just a wee bit too close to the road and some towers for comfort.


Active Member
I am fairly hopeful it was abandoned at least 2 years ago. The beer cans were Budweiser (why the fuck someone would drink that shit here in Portland is beyond me) and the red was faded to a light orange, almost yellow color. I think that kind of fading takes at least a year or two, but I am no Budcanfadeatologist. I am quite tempted to hike back out there today with the digi camera just to show you all.

you get like a million cool points for "Budcanfadeatologist"! That is a fucken fabulous word lol.


hey....i got some questions if anyone can answer me please..........well i just start smoking weed a few days a go, maybe a week....and i dont anything about marijuana.....................ok, first, i live in costa rica and we speak spanish....here in my country the people talk about 2 kinds of weed....marijuana and high red....idk y they call it high red....i have been reading some post and no one has ever discuss abou it......the fisrt time i somoke my friend told me it was high red.....and the other day we went shoppin and he told the guy he wants high red jamaican it cost us 6000 colones (thats about 12 dollars) 2 grams....now i get y you people call it be stoned by the way.............then, my friend explaind me there was several kinds of high red and marijuana, he told me also that the high red jamaican is stronger than the regular one....the thing is that im not sure if theres such a name for this weed so i asking the experts ;)................oh! and also, i want to know what is that THC and THV thing??????

......i can upload a pic of the ¨high red jamaican¨ so u people can see how it looks like but i dont thing it would help :S


New Member
My guess is that he/they drank that beer on harvest day and said 'Fuck it, I'm done here, leave it'. Because there is no other trash around besides party cup remnants and planters.

Some pics of the evidence of previous growers, as well as some vids that show how great this spot is....or was



(Vids may take a while to 'process', so be patient on them)



Well-Known Member
high red is probably just a local name for good weed in your area. Im not too sure if there is a strain called high red, although they have soo many strains now its ridiculous. Following along with this thread and I have a guerilla grow thread also if you wanna check it out. Assuming you are in Portland MA, you wont have a very long growing season. Is it still really cold up there?


Well-Known Member
i found the remains of a old grow op and grew their this past year, spot wasn't bad at first glance but i ran into problems with the stream i was getting irrigation water from drying up, think about it if the spot looks really good and has everything ud every imagine, what are the olds a person wouldnt go back to it. Im just thinking out loud but if i had a spot like that id be going back every grow season.


New Member
Sacredherb, I have seen some of your plans. Good luck! I am actually in Portland OR, best place in the world to grow, debatably.

Lagarto, post your question in a more relevant thread, or do some more research. There are thousands of different types of marijuana.