I got some tiny flies creating an army in my pots soil


New Member
whats up guys, i need some quick advise my female diablo og plant is 3 months. is it to early to try to clone... my plant is fully green no yello healthier than a dog ... but i cut two stems off the main stem to make a good amount of clones,... did i do something wrong also sometimes i dont know exactly where to cut to make a clone meaning what branch to take of i took off two bottom ones 45 degree angles scraped some of the bottom off with a razor dipped in honey (bc im poor) put in a lil pot, wrapped some foil around the pot not covering my clone then cut a milk carton in half in place for a humidity chamber is it best to keep in sun ? bc i understand the clones need warmth but thwen i understand they need dark? i also made a homemade hydropioncs set up with a watter bottle an air pump a draining hose and another bottle like containter that a lil bigger than the water bottle then i got a plastic cup thatll fit in the container as a net pot or w.e with regular gravel or rocks and jus some water n.. the water pushes out the first bottle due to the air flowing in the water bottle pushin the water in to my second container with the clone and then the air follows making bubbles ... now idk if this is gonna work orr if idk ?? my clones are still green and sturdy dont look ,like ther dying its bearly been a couple days just i dpnt wanna feel pissed bc i cut my plant for nothing .. also from cutting from the main stem did i xcause tiny flies to come visit my plants soil.. how do i get rid i have some anti bug spray but its for roses n crap so idk ?? do i need nutrients for my clone in the homemade set up? or is water okay also what is a (ph) i have this bag of powder for plants i dont memeber what it is called but it has (ph)? and it says it feeds the plants from the flower and from the roots or stem or something its a blue powder you mix a teaspoon to a gallon of water i have my clone in the hydroponics setup sitting in tad bit of this but idk .??????? help ?
Ok, as far as where to cut for clones: You want to make the 45 degree cut right below where there are 2 nodes on the stem. You then cut these two nodes off and dip it in a rooting compound. The nodes you cut off will be places where it is easy for roots to grow from. As far as using honey, I don't think it will do much as far as helping the plant to establish roots..it might help prevent air embolism in the stem. I would say using sunlight is fine but you probably dont want direct sunlight. Maybe put it in a shady spot where a little indirect light is hitting it. A clear sandwich bag is a good, cheap humidity dome. As far as the watering system you are using, the clones are going to absorded water through their leaves until a root system is established. You just spray them lighty 1 or 2 times a day. You also want to keep the medium they are in semi moist, which i'm not sure gravel will do a good job of. Why did you choose gravel out of curiousity? You want to get away with giving them as little water as possible so that the plant is inclined to grow roots to go in search of water. You want a medium that is going to allow for the roots to grow and spread easily.

As far as the bugs, they are more than likely fungus gnats. You can do a search for a cheap fix for that around here, but I used Gnatrol once and it seemed to decimate them. There are cheaper ways though, and you don't want those guys hanging around because their larvae feed on roots.
whats up guys, i need some quick advise my female diablo og plant is 3 months. is it to early to try to clone... my plant is fully green no yello healthier than a dog ... but i cut two stems off the main stem to make a good amount of clones,... did i do something wrong also sometimes i dont know exactly where to cut to make a clone meaning what branch to take of i took off two bottom ones 45 degree angles scraped some of the bottom off with a razor dipped in honey (bc im poor) put in a lil pot, wrapped some foil around the pot not covering my clone then cut a milk carton in half in place for a humidity chamber is it best to keep in sun ? bc i understand the clones need warmth but thwen i understand they need dark? i also made a homemade hydropioncs set up with a watter bottle an air pump a draining hose and another bottle like containter that a lil bigger than the water bottle then i got a plastic cup thatll fit in the container as a net pot or w.e with regular gravel or rocks and jus some water n.. the water pushes out the first bottle due to the air flowing in the water bottle pushin the water in to my second container with the clone and then the air follows making bubbles ... now idk if this is gonna work orr if idk ?? my clones are still green and sturdy dont look ,like ther dying its bearly been a couple days just i dpnt wanna feel pissed bc i cut my plant for nothing .. also from cutting from the main stem did i xcause tiny flies to come visit my plants soil.. how do i get rid i have some anti bug spray but its for roses n crap so idk ?? do i need nutrients for my clone in the homemade set up? or is water okay also what is a (ph) i have this bag of powder for plants i dont memeber what it is called but it has (ph)? and it says it feeds the plants from the flower and from the roots or stem or something its a blue powder you mix a teaspoon to a gallon of water i have my clone in the hydroponics setup sitting in tad bit of this but idk .??????? help ?

i think i know what to do with those flies,

1.stay beside your plants! like keep a close attention to it.

2. this is very important, you must have a fly swatter.

3. wait for the flies to land, and swat them! like with speed! (electric fly swatter is much better).

4. read here marijuana plant problems on sub-forums i think there is a bug thread. :)

just kidding sorry for spamming. anyways, #4 is important i think.

or put some water cups, and hope that they will land inside, (some of it will land but not all).
or a sticky fly trap and put it beside your pot.
i think i know what to do with those flies,

1.stay beside your plants! like keep a close attention to it.

2. this is very important, you must have a fly swatter.

3. wait for the flies to land, and swat them! like with speed! (electric fly swatter is much better).

4. read here marijuana plant problems on sub-forums i think there is a bug thread. :)

just kidding sorry for spamming. anyways, #4 is important i think.

or put some water cups, and hope that they will land inside, (some of it will land but not all).
or a sticky fly trap and put it beside your pot.
hahah no worries alright cool man '
alright kool well like i said i dont have moneyu to start ijust got lucky with this bomb plant .. anyways i checkd the soil in my plant n i did notice some nasty looking shit so i took all of it out witch was probably mold .. i replaced it with miricale grow seed starter bc its all i have my plant looks kool .. still i jus dont wanna deal with these bugs.. as far as gravel i jus used a lil bit of rocks to support my clone the stem hangs out of the netcup bout an inch and the water that has oxygen flowingthru is wetting it as well as wetting the roocks a bit ... i new to all this just im going off of common sense and trying to learn shit off youtube using everyones ideas in my one little project . after my clone roots do i pot it ??
alright kool well like i said i dont have moneyu to start ijust got lucky with this bomb plant .. anyways i checkd the soil in my plant n i did notice some nasty looking shit so i took all of it out witch was probably mold .. i replaced it with miricale grow seed starter bc its all i have my plant looks kool .. still i jus dont wanna deal with these bugs.. as far as gravel i jus used a lil bit of rocks to support my clone the stem hangs out of the netcup bout an inch and the water that has oxygen flowingthru is wetting it as well as wetting the roocks a bit ... i new to all this just im going off of common sense and trying to learn shit off youtube using everyones ideas in my one little project . after my clone roots do i pot it ??

cut it like a 45 degree angle and slightly brush off the part where you cut it and put a little bit of rooting hormone, and put a dome inside and spray the dome with water to make it humid. i dont use rockwool cubes or something like hydrophonic. when i did a cutting before i just stick them in soil and put it inside a dome and spray it to make it humid.

anyways what i learned from here and read and were suggested by people here on RIU, is that slightly brushing off the cut part will help the plant to root faster.