i have 11x 4ft plants 30 days into flower under 400w hps....not enough light


Well-Known Member
they started of really bushy if you look at my journal, but as time has gone on, 11 big plants between a 400w hps has just not worked out good and they are stretched to fuck.

im hoping for a min of an ounce each, anything more is a bonus, i vedged for around 45 days so this should be possible.

anyway, the question is, if i have 35/40 days of flowering left, is it too late to strip the bottom branches that are recieving no light so the top cola's & branches bud up a bit more?


Well-Known Member
anytime you cut branches off it promote new gowth. thats what i've experienced in the veg cycle im not so sure about the flower cycle but i dont c why new growth even in the flowering cycle wouldnt occur


Well-Known Member
Won't help, it can really hurt your yield chopping stuff during flowering and even delay finishing time sometimes.
You should buy more light, you're not going to get an ounce on ones that are too far from the light or blocked out too much by others.

There is one possible soltion other than buying more lights.

Start shuffling plants back and forth between that flower room and a closet you keep dark, flowering half of them at a time while half are asleep and running the ballast 24/7.

Also change your light into a vertical hanging cord and bulb only, drop it below the tops of the plants, and place plants around the light in a circle. Note that the plants can be very close to the light because the heat escapes straight up. Increases yield even further.

If you actually did all of the above except buy more lights you would more than quadruple the yield you would have been looking at continuing the way you are now. Only double if you do the vertical bulb and arrange them in a circle.

Moving the plants around also forces you to rotate them so you don't end up with a living side and a dead side.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
get some earth wire the yellow n green stripey stuff with copper wire in it, cut it into about 4 inch strips and coil it round a pen. then curl them round the stems and bend them so the light gets through the canopy, works a treat and you still have all the leaves catching the light instead of chopping them off reducing the plants 'engine'

youll be lucky to see an ounce off each, maybe a half to an ounce depending on what nutes your using. if possible you should think about upping to a 600w or a 1000w but that is more cost and heat. remember you could have just 3 huge plants in there or 11 small ones. yeild will be about the same.


Well-Known Member
It is never to late to lolly pop a plant it is normaly done at the end of the 2nd week but this will cause no stress .it will help the plants get more nutrient to where it counts the bud sites that recive at least 70% of light.i have a good little tip hear get has many clones going that will fit into the grow area.once roots start showing this is time to get them on flower the plant will end up just over a foot tall but the plants have bud from top to bottom at least 1 ounce per plant.and if the growroom can hold 60 small pots then you are sorted enough bud for anyone.tried this for the first time other year and i ended up with same ammount of budd from 4/5 big plants infact alot more.give it a try budding at this size you have to have the light inces of the tops of the plants but because they recive all the light they realy become 1 big cola.


Well-Known Member
Ofcourse you might consider just putting in some CFLs around to add more light inexpensively.