I have a 3 week old plant and 2 4-5 day old plants question bout Transplant

Well i just got big pots to put them in i've talked to a few people who told me since my 3 week old is streching severally that if i transplant and put soil up higher on it will help it grow better and plan on doing this. But, the 2 4-5 day old plants are roughly 1inch-2inch tall can i transplant these to avoid doing it later also, if i dont transplant the light will have to be about 1.5foot above them so it is slight above the pot the 3 week old will be in.


Well-Known Member
Don't transplant seedlings, plant needs to be 3 to 5 weeks old to handle the stress

and yes put something under it to raise it up get it closer to the light to stop the stretching
Yes i figured it out right after posting ill trnasplant the larger guy and put the cups with small seedlings in the pot on top of soil so they are close to the light. Also, when do i start with plant food and do i follow directions on box or use different method? How much do cheap PH tester cost? And how can i raise humidity cheap as possible..?


Well-Known Member
Yes i figured it out right after posting ill trnasplant the larger guy and put the cups with small seedlings in the pot on top of soil so they are close to the light. Also, when do i start with plant food and do i follow directions on box or use different method? How much do cheap PH tester cost? And how can i raise humidity cheap as possible..?
Do not feed seedlings!

depending on what soil your in most plants will go 3 to 5 weeks without needing nutes and for how to feed you can read my NooB Advice thread page 36 (actually I would say read the whole thread but it takes awhile)

to cheaply raise humidity you can put a bowl of hot tap water in front of a fan

for PH tsting in soil grows I say just go to WalMart and get the aquarium drops in the pet section, I use em and they work only cost $5
I switched the big girl over and lowered my light slightly more while doing so. But, my one of my small girls seems to be curling up now that i've moved it up closer to the light i also, watered it today but soil was rather dry i stuck a toothpick half inch in and was dry and top felt crunchy so don't think i over watered at all since it is seeming to dry up now slightly it looks moist but not drenched. Any idea on why they are curling? Also, how long till my big girl begins growing again?