I have a good, bad problem..


My ladies are stacking wonderfully. Had a rainstorm blow in today and had a freaking heart attack because as big and sturdy as they looked, the sheer amount of water definitely bent some stems.

Waiting till daylight for damage photos, these pics are a couple days old, but how do I support these suckers, without anything to tie them to above (going on 10 feet)?



Well-Known Member
Well as long as the wind did not break any branches off. Then you are golden. Trust me, outdoor plants love a rain shower once in a while. I do it with my backyard plants wi the garden hose. They respond well to having all their solar panels cleaned off once in a while. In Vegetative State I mean.


Well-Known Member
My ladies are stacking wonderfully. Had a rainstorm blow in today and had a freaking heart attack because as big and sturdy as they looked, the sheer amount of water definitely bent some stems.

Waiting till daylight for damage photos, these pics are a couple days old, but how do I support these suckers, without anything to tie them to above (going on 10 feet)?
They look super healthy and big!! Great Job, they should fair well good!! :weed:


Well as long as the wind did not break any branches off. Then you are golden. Trust me, outdoor plants love a rain shower once in a while. I do it with my backyard plants wi the garden hose. They respond well to having all their solar panels cleaned off once in a while. In Vegetative State I mean.
Hoping nothing snapped.. Shes packing well. Photos in about 10 hours for damage :shock:


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong with the plant being in flower but I see it as a body builder....we work out make tiny tears in the muscle and the body repairs itself and also even improves the muscle that's how we get bigger... I'm sure it signaled for more hormones and the plant will repair itself plus bounce back and grow even more I broke a stem once but not entirely in flower and just left it there sure enough the bud was still getting bigger...I eventually just used it a tester but still