i have a hermie now what?


Active Member
okay the biggest and healthiest plant i have is Hermaphrodite its got small balls but nice long white hairs on all branches. Sad to say i have already killed 4 males and only have to females as of now. I would like to keep as much bud as possible what are the risks of moving it into another room so it doesn't pollinate my to females.


Well-Known Member
okay the biggest and healthiest plant i have is Hermaphrodite its got small balls but nice long white hairs on all branches. Sad to say i have already killed 4 males and only have to females as of now. I would like to keep as much bud as possible what are the risks of moving it into another room so it doesn't pollinate my to females.
just pull the balls off with tweezers and keep a eye on it


Well-Known Member
yea like he said also you could cut off all the uneeded branches nd just grow the tops if you have a mini jungle tree it could be hard to keep track on all the possible sites either that or plant it outside hermis suck dude, best of luck!


Well-Known Member
move it into a different room, set up something temporary completely isolated from your other plants, let it flower just as you would everything else, result will be female seeds...from what I've gathered, you may want to do a bit more research on that


Global Moderator
Staff member
move it into a different room, set up something temporary completely isolated from your other plants, let it flower just as you would everything else, result will be female seeds...from what I've gathered, you may want to do a bit more research on that
You are correct - the resulting seeds will be Feminized.


Well-Known Member
there ya go:bigjoint: I would do that if i ever got a hermie but i never have and sure as hell not doin it on purpose but may as well make lemonade when life throws you a lemon

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by doctor.j

move it into a different room, set up something temporary completely isolated from your other plants, let it flower just as you would everything else, result will be female seeds...from what I've gathered, you may want to do a bit more research on that

You are correct - the resulting seeds will be Feminized.

The resulting seeds will be hermieized .... feminized seeds that carry the hermie trait.

If you use them it will be just like déjà vuall over again.


Active Member
The resulting seeds will be hermieized .... feminized seeds that carry the hermie trait.

If you use them it will be just like déjà vuall over again.
not always and many of the best strains of 2day carry a hermie trait to them..thai weed is notoriously known to carry herm traits..many breeders including dj feel there are benefits to hermie plants...and just cuz that plant hermed doesn't mean a clone of it will either..i got a ch/sd that the seed mom threw a nanner here and there but the clones off of her never throw any out..if it's not a bad hermie jus pluck..if it's a real bad cull that shit..


Active Member
Have to watch the balls aswell as the nanners!
Its almost impossible, sounds horrible but unless you can put a few CFL's and a timer somewhere else then simply scrap it.


Well-Known Member
not always and many of the best strains of 2day carry a hermie trait to them..thai weed is notoriously known to carry herm traits..many breeders including dj feel there are benefits to hermie plants...and just cuz that plant hermed doesn't mean a clone of it will either..i got a ch/sd that the seed mom threw a nanner here and there but the clones off of her never throw any out..if it's not a bad hermie jus pluck..if it's a real bad cull that shit..
i told the op what to do .. im not getting into this ... hermie plants make hermie fem seeds ... there hermie trait not hermies caused by stress or factors, there just femalke hermies by there genetic dna code ..end of .

Brick Top

New Member
not always and many of the best strains of 2day carry a hermie trait to them..thai weed is notoriously known to carry herm traits..many breeders including dj feel there are benefits to hermie plants...and just cuz that plant hermed doesn't mean a clone of it will either..i got a ch/sd that the seed mom threw a nanner here and there but the clones off of her never throw any out..if it's not a bad hermie jus pluck..if it's a real bad cull that shit..

Why is it that you think that when a breeder makes feminized seeds they will use colloidal silver, gibberellic acid or rodelization to turn a female plant, but then collect the pollen and use it to pollinate other female plants, but not use the turned female to make feminized seeds with?

It is because it is stressed, as are plants that turn from light stress or root stress or any other form of stress, and if pollinated they will pass on the hermie trait.

When it comes to Thai strains, Chocolate Thai is the most notorious of Thai strains to turn. When it comes to other pure Thai strains, most of the time a hermie will create sterile pollen, so there is no chance of pollination or seeds. The turning part is in the genetics, but it is different than other ways/reasons for plants to turn and most times most pure Thai strains will have sterile pollen if they turn. Not Chocolate though. That's a horse of a different color. To have sterile pollen with it is more on the rare side.
Are Hermies still ok to smoke if you pull all the seeds from them ?

I ask coz I just cut down mine and they appear to be full of seeds which I have never noticed. It's deep inside the nuggets..... But the bud is thick, sticky full of hairs and stinks like mad.... totally new to all this and it's the first time it's happened.... soo....

Bin it ? keep it and pull the seeds ? :-(


Well-Known Member
it will be low quality bud but if you have seeds that means pollen has been distributed and the surrounding ones probably have seeds too


Well-Known Member
move it into a different room, set up something temporary completely isolated from your other plants, let it flower just as you would everything else, result will be female seeds...from what I've gathered, you may want to do a bit more research on that
no the seeds will be hermi your thinking of fem seeds to make those you spray col silver on the plant so its still a fem in nature but you stress it to grow balls