I have a question about the difference between traditional clonal propagation and tissue culture


New Member
As far as i know, cloning propagation(cutting from mother plant) is vulnerable to pathogen disease and necessarily going through cell senescence process.
So after i clone a clone of clone... it slowly lose her vigor due to reasons i said, not due to things like 'genetic drift'.
But if i use micropropagation(tissue culture extracting meristem cells of plant), the extracted meristem cells are almost disease - free and have an infinite cell division ability
because it is stem cell.
So my question is what is difference between traditional clonal propagation and tissue culture in the aspect of cell senescence?
Can't Cells of cutting from traditional cloning propagation avoid cell senescence process because they divide themselves using somatic division that has cell division limitation?
now if a new cell is born from the meristem of a clone isn't it a proper new cell? does the said new cell before getting is final role have any kind of memory?
I personally think that the new meristem cell doesn't have any metabolic or dna/rna (if so pls let me know!) kind of senescence info enbedded other than the usual dna/rna trascript error or some level of epigenetics cell changes,