I have never been this vaporbaked before !


New Member
Loving it :) Kinda like I'm high the 1st time again. Way more ripped then I would be if I smoked 2 fat joints. Tool for the job - VapeExhale Cloud(vxc) with hydratube. I have'nt even added water or ice to the hydratube yet, just went through 2 ez bowls in a dry run.
Even being in pain - I am actually smiling as I write this. I did have a davinci vaporizer, but it broke on me. It wasn't anywhere near as good as the vxc. Normally these things cost an arm and a leg $450 + $100 or more depending on the hydratube. I just picked mine up at a local headshop for $320 inc tax, and it came with a descent hydratube tube aswell. I am stoked.
Has anyone here tried vapor through water or ice or both? Is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
I did find if you have a few bags of a volcano it feels almost like you've eaten some really! strong edibles. Or very comparable.


Well-Known Member
I've got the Da Buddha, love it!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good to hear you like it. Although you already had a vape so no doubt decided vaping was for you. Alas with me, my volcano doesn't even begin to compare to a single joint so it sits gathering dust.