I have one bud that is much more developed than the others, should I harvest it?


Hello everyone, this is my first blogpost here.
I am an indoor grower (this is my second attempt, however the first one was very successful).

I'm growing three White Widow Automatic and one of them has a bud with almost all darkened pistils.
I'm aware that inspecting trichomes is a better metric, I'll get a magnifier soon, so maybe I can improve my question in the near future.

2.jpg This guy here!

But compared the other ones are far less developed. For example:

Can you see at the center of the plant how dark is it compared the the others?

What should I do? Should I harvest it? And why did this happen? I suppose it's a matter of light, maybe it's not getting enough.

Thank you for your time folks, peace!
No it’s not ready even the “dark one”

Your buds need a lot of things to be ready. Not just brown hairs.

the first pic you see on your link has buds ready for harvest. Your buds look nothing like any of those. Read that page a few more times and look closely at bud swelling etc in those pics.
Just take a second look when you get the magnifier, buds tend to turn like that when something is wrong.
Early browning is usually stage 1

First of all, I want to thank you all for your precious help!

The magnifier arrived and I inspected every millimetre of my plants: not rot signs (amazing!), and the trichomes are still glassy, even on the "suspicious" bud (therefore it's definitively not time to harvest).

So, it looks like it was just paranoia, but --as you've said-- it's not normal and I'll monitor them everyday; I also added an extra fan to improve air circulation over the top in case of unseen mold.

If you have other suggestions... otherwise, have a nice day!