I have some yellowing and brown curly tips


Well-Known Member
I have an autoflowering la diva in ffof on her 7th week. She had a cal/mag def earlier and was told that she just needed a dose of straight water and cal/mag for little bit, but now she is starting to show yellowing all over with browning curling tips. Please any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
this late I flower you will get yellowing leafs . I would NOT do any thing this late . but next time you should just add some veg nutrients later in flower . to prevent the yellowing . do not hit the nitro hard now it will do more harm then good it can hurt the yield . just push those flower nutrients . as long as the buds are health like they are your all good . you can pull of the yelling leafs you should . plants try to repair damaged leafs and that takes a lot of energy away from the plant building BIG BUDS . so I would just do a 5 or 7 day flush with your plants it will be just fine . no stress