I knew a lot of things "could" go wrong,

remember your name

Active Member
I just didnt think it would all happen to me..or my plant rather.

So pretty much everything that could go wrong has and everything I've tried to fix has made the solution worse. Cant say it's a total loss I have learned a lot from the folks on this site and pretty much know what to do when something goes wrong. Making future grows a bit easier hopefully.

My biggest problem right now is that my soil ph was 4, I'm going out to a nursery right now to look for some ph up ph down, it's funny how we become attached to our "babies" like they were, well...babies. I wonder if its for the sake of the smoke or from the amount of love and nurturing put into it? Anyway after I flushed my plant 5 or more days ago with a 4ph run off I figured the 7ph water would of made it more neutral but it has actually gotten a LOT worse and I'm scared to flush it again because she is already overwatered and sitting in damp soil since being flushed. I could just really use some beginners support and advice is always taken :-o right now I'm a sad sad panda and my "girl" I had hoped for isnt doing much better. Thats another thing she has been flowering for almost 2 weeks now and hasnt shown ANY signs of sex. 12/12 no interruptions, all I can think is maybe its because of rootblock or something, the new growth is dried up and dead at the tips, like the tips may of been pistils but then changed their mind to being leaves.

Sorry this is a long post guys and gals...we're just both really having a rough time. Seems like anything that could go wrong has or will. =(


tea tree

Well-Known Member
Well if your ph is that bad then that is the reason. Soil ph had pretty narrow tolerances for P and the four would not let any in. OW. sorry.

what is yer way of checking ph? Can you wait it out and raise that ph again? Get some dolmite lime and topdress that in. Let it dry for now That is all I can think of. I tried a ph foliar feed to help mine. Ph can really stunt.

Dont feel too bad, it can take a while sometimes to get growing all down, these next months will pass. They really will:) Dont give up and plant more next time.

remember your name

Active Member
I use the strips to test ph, the water going in was 7ph, immediate runoff was 4 maybe even a little less, hard to tell cuz the strips dont go that low on the color chart. Secondary runoff was about 5-6ph, so now the plant is all messed up and to top it off overwatered now from flushing. I only did the 1 plant because i was ok with going to prison for 6months for 1 plant if cought, I wasnt ok with doing 2-3 years =) She's hurting pretty bad but more alive than dead so thats a plus, i might be able to wait it out and fix her up. In the meantime it smells like a hippie orgy happening in my bedroom...lol shes a smelly little bitch.

remember your name

Active Member
Also I had another question, when I'm doing things to repair her should i put her back in vegetated stage or is her 12/12 light schedule fine? I don't want to stress her out more than she already is.