I know to smoke buds, but what about...


Active Member
The leaves that I clip around the buds? Should I dry these as well? I'm not going to have enough clippings for a decent amount of hash - hell, I'll be lucky to get a quarter of bud. Bud I notice all these crystals on the surrounding leaves, should I manicure them off and then throw them in a small brown paper bag to dry, then combine with my stash later on? Thank you for the advice!


Well-Known Member
Personally i smoke it all,i mix the dried leaf into my baccy to save meself money as i smoke less baccy:leaf:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yes, all of those leaf trimmings go into a brown paper bag for drying. You can save them and add future crops leaves. You can use them for hash or baking.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
Fan leaves taste nasty. But the little leaf trimmings around the bud for some reason gets showered with trichomes. If it was my personal stash, I just leave it on. But for dispensaries, I clip all the leaves and just leave flowers....

I dunno, I like the small leaves, they don't get me as medicated as the flowers, so its a mellow high. Then when I smoke the flowers, I get a better high. Just to break off the monotony of smoking flowers all the time, and getting too high of a tolerance. The little trimmings or schwag gives me a light buzz and a break from the heavy high from the flowers. It all falls in place.