I lost track and my jewlers loupe


So I Found Some Bagseed Back In August And I Thought It Would Be A KICK IN THE BUTT To Start Growing To Get Back At My Plug Because He Keep Giving Me Seedy Shit, So I Got A Cheap Light From Wallyworld And Some Pots And Soil FromOne Shop That's Very Grower Friendly And Also CalMag The Light Some Would Tell You It Wouldnt Work But I Took A Shot IN The Dark And It Worked Also People Would Probably Tell You Cant Grow In One Pot And Its Impossible Now It Is Not But Highly Dont Recommend It Especially If You're Inexperienced But I Did I Had Planted Ten Seeds ,And Before Anyone Say Anything It Was Experiment Folks I Didnt Even Think It Was Really Going To Sprout ,So Ten Seeds Sprouted(Set Up Was 4Plants In One Fabric Pot ,In A Plastic Pot I Had Two 3 Seeds Each ,Also These Were The Smallest Pots Please Keep In Mind This Is My First Grow I Though it Wouldnt Work Any One So I Didn't Really Put Too Much Thought Into Things )Was Crazy I'm Going To Add Pictures ,And Only 4 Out Of Ten Survived Through Veg , Ik sad right but I prepared myself for losing some just from reading prior grow forums and blogs and books , for the past three months because I maybe open up a dispensary anyways back to this ,so now I had 4 plants in one pot sadly as we moved closer to flower I saw that one was male I snipped it was taking up light ,then about two weeks ago I noticed one was not growing something i also was prepped for I checked everything light leaks all the shebang and roots lock and sadly the plant just kept tryna veg the two plants that are left was much taller and I think that's why it wasn't receiving alot of light that's why stayed short plus the 4th plant that was male blocking too it was crazy anyways I'm here now because I lost track phone got messed up and I feel like I'm close to harvest and i woke up it looked like way less hairs then two days ago so can i please get some help -signed a risky grower, I have to post photos so people can see how I rigged this lols


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When I do touch them which I barely do ,they feel real nice lots of resin heavy smell almost will give u a headache so strong, this is just a side branch to


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I don't know ,I guess not because you don't know how to use question marks or periods.
Well looks like you figured out the period. Even got a comma in there. lol

Doesn't have to be perfect, really just breaking up the post into some paragraphs helps a LOT. It is easier to not cap every word so that will cut you some slack.
After giving it some more thought while watering my plants, I came up with this:

Using proper sentence structure, grammar and punctuation, shows that you respect the reader enough to present your thoughts in a manner that is easy for the reader to assimilate. Most of us aren't grammar nazis so it doesn't have to be proofed by your editor lol. If nothing else, communicating clearly is to your advantage since readers will be more likely to provide the information you are seeking (instead of this shit lol).

Again, we understand a lot of users are on mobile devices, it takes a little more effort on the posters behalf and we can of course cut a little slack for that. One should still put in some effort.

All that said, the OP was very much unacceptable. lol
After giving it some more thought while watering my plants, I came up with this:

Using proper sentence structure, grammar and punctuation, shows that you respect the reader enough to present your thoughts in a manner that is easy for the reader to assimilate. Most of us aren't grammar nazis so it doesn't have to be proofed by your editor lol. If nothing else, communicating clearly is to your advantage since readers will be more likely to provide the information you are seeking (instead of this shit lol).

Again, we understand a lot of users are on mobile devices, it takes a little more effort on the posters behalf and we can of course cut a little slack for that. One should still put in some effort.

All that said, the OP was very much unacceptable. lol
I respect that it was my that it's my first post and I was very lit, so that's also why the photos are so out of order.
Copying the OP into MS word then hitting Shift F3 on the selected text a couple times makes it a little easier to read.

so i found some bagseed back in august and i thought it would be a kick in the butt to start growing to get back at my plug because he keep giving me seedy shit, so i got a cheap light from wallyworld and some pots and soil fromone shop that's very grower friendly and also calmag the light some would tell you it wouldnt work but i took a shot in the dark and it worked also people would probably tell you cant grow in one pot and its impossible now it is not but highly dont recommend it especially if you're inexperienced but i did i had planted ten seeds ,and before anyone say anything it was experiment folks i didnt even think it was really going to sprout ,so ten seeds sprouted(set up was 4plants in one fabric pot ,in a plastic pot i had two 3 seeds each ,also these were the smallest pots please keep in mind this is my first grow i though it wouldnt work any one so i didn't really put too much thought into things )was crazy i'm going to add pictures ,and only 4 out of ten survived through veg , ik sad right but i prepared myself for losing some just from reading prior grow forums and blogs and books , for the past three months because i maybe open up a dispensary anyways back to this ,so now i had 4 plants in one pot sadly as we moved closer to flower i saw that one was male i snipped it was taking up light ,then about two weeks ago i noticed one was not growing something i also was prepped for i checked everything light leaks all the shebang and roots lock and sadly the plant just kept tryna veg the two plants that are left was much taller and i think that's why it wasn't receiving alot of light that's why stayed short plus the 4th plant that was male blocking too it was crazy anyways i'm here now because i lost track phone got messed up and i feel like i'm close to harvest and i woke up it looked like way less hairs then two days ago so can i please get some help -signed a risky grower, i have to post photos so people can see how i rigged this lols
I reposted for those who eyes was bothered .Down Below

so i found some bagseed back in august and i thought it would be a kick in the butt to start growing to get back at my plug because he keep giving me seedy shit, so i got a cheap light from wallyworld and some pots and soil fromone shop that's very grower friendly and also calmag the light some would tell you it wouldnt work but i took a shot in the dark and it worked also people would probably tell you cant grow in one pot and its impossible now it is not but highly dont recommend it especially if you're inexperienced but i did i had planted ten seeds ,and before anyone say anything it was experiment folks i didnt even think it was really going to sprout ,so ten seeds sprouted(set up was 4plants in one fabric pot ,in a plastic pot i had two 3 seeds each ,also these were the smallest pots please keep in mind this is my first grow i though it wouldnt work any one so i didn't really put too much thought into things )was crazy i'm going to add pictures ,and only 4 out of ten survived through veg , ik sad right but i prepared myself for losing some just from reading prior grow forums and blogs and books , for the past three months because i maybe open up a dispensary anyways back to this ,so now i had 4 plants in one pot sadly as we moved closer to flower i saw that one was male i snipped it was taking up light ,then about two weeks ago i noticed one was not growing something i also was prepped for i checked everything light leaks all the shebang and roots lock and sadly the plant just kept tryna veg the two plants that are left was much taller and i think that's why it wasn't receiving alot of light that's why stayed short plus the 4th plant that was male blocking too it was crazy anyways i'm here now because i lost track phone got messed up and i feel like i'm close to harvest and i woke up it looked like way less hairs then two days ago so can i please get some help -signed a risky grower, i have to post photos so people can see how i rigged this lols