I Love The Sun


New Member
Hate is bad for you, love the sun instead.

I looked online and found out that outside where i am the lighting has not decreased to 12/12 until "around" September 23. So i was wondering, If plants dont start to bloom till 12/12 happens doesn't that mean that if i have a 8 week bloom time i would be waiting till the end of november to harvest? I'm very sure that something is wrong with this equation. Like Snow.

I know plants can be grown outside here, what i am starting to doubt is that plants truly need to be absolute 12/12 to bloom. I know i have heard of adding 1-2 hours of light to a cycle in the last weeks of flowering before. {i have always wondered how far you could push that???} but this would be extra light at the onset of flower and i have never heard of such a thing.

Anyone who has experience on the subject please tell me what i have wrong. Does the plant just shorten it's bloom time outside, Does it start to bud before 12/12, Will i really need a snow shovel to harvest???:confused:

Thanks for the help

Dr High

Well-Known Member
you will not need a shovel to harvest, the flower cycle starts in sept. it literally starts to bloom in sept. hope this helps. Peace


New Member
ok so i take it that what your saying is that they are showing buds in september, but even still isn't a bloom time usually calculated from the time buds show? I have always done it that way I don't count the transition time i start count when the buds start to show. So by the way i measure it indoors even if they started to show buds the 1st of september with a 8 week time i would still be harvesting the begining of november or end of october. I'm not sure exactly when hunting season is but i was under the impression that i needed to be cut and gone before then at the least.

I Still think i might be confused. It was this page that started the confusion for me. The Seasons



Well-Known Member
Naw ... your ladies will start flowering in mid to late August .... they just seem to know when to flower ...


New Member
Naw ... your ladies will start flowering in mid to late August .... they just seem to know when to flower ...
This is the answer i am most wanting to believe, that somehow they just know. But I'm a big dumb american the wants to ask why and try to drag science into everything.

For example What are the variables in the plant just knowing theory? Does a clone know differently then a seed for instance?

Sorry if these sound like dumb questions
Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Out of "Eight" Big Bud plants i put outside in the last week of April "three" are showing sex already and are continuing to flower:-| Explain this to me......................?????????????:roll:



Active Member
...your plants will start to flower anywhere between the middle of july to the middle of august, depending on the strain. the plant will start to flower because it senses days getting shorter, which is usually 14/10 where i live. and DONT GIVE ADVICE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry but i'm tired of ppl giving advice that's wrong and creating confusion. thats y i'm usually on grasscity, people don;t talk out of their ass nearly as much


New Member
Ok so if a plant can start and finish on a 14/10 light cycle, why do none of us run that inside, surely that plant would benifit from every second of light we can give it? I feel like the dumb stoner that just doesn't get it here.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted byP@ssw0rd

Ok so if a plant can start and finish on a 14/10 light cycle, why do none of us run that inside, surely that plant would benifit from every second of light we can give it? I feel like the dumb stoner that just doesn't get it here.



Im curious myself:P Tell me why 3 of my plants are flowering in June?



New Member
Shit mine just went out on the 10th, The were established 1' clones with at least 8-10 nodes but if they are already starting to flower i'm gonna yeild shit.


New Member
LoudBlunts your advice has always been very helpfull to me in the past and i respect your opinion. But to carry on the theory, do you think a plant could bud inside under a 14/10 schedule, Or whatever the light schedule is in mid to late August.

I once saw a calculator where you punched in you longitude/ latitude in by clicking on your location on a map ad it plotted a graph of your annual light schedule. Anyone got a link to somethin glike that? I can't seem to find it again.



Well-Known Member
can i counter my statement with another one of my own?

well when i was cosigning with growrebel, that was in a general sense....

but in all reality, i've seen a few people attempt different lighting schedules indoors....

anything is possible!

never let someone tell you a set way on how to skin an animal....there are many ways of doing things...ya dig


Active Member
...14 10 isn't the best to flower inside, but with shortening days it may work. i'm just explaining what a plant does in it's natural cycle, i know there are some exceptions, but generally i'm giving you the right info.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
...14 10 isn't the best to flower inside, but with shortening days it may work. i'm just explaining what a plant does in it's natural cycle, i know there are some exceptions, but generally i'm giving you the right info.
What info?:-?


Active Member
If you are growin outdoors, forget about 12/12. On September 23rd your plants will probably be close to harvest. The Summer Solstice is tomorrow(6/21), the days start to get shorter, this will trigger the plant to start flowering after a couple weeks into July. It takes awhile depending on strain but by the end of July your ladies should be flowering, worst case scenario early August for a 8-week strain. If you are growing outside forget about 12/12 seriously.