I made my med poison!

hello, iv made my med poison!! im flowering 3 ssh and about the 7th week i found spider mites. dont have much money so went looking on line found this grower said he's been very happy with "hot shot no-pest strip''. only 7$. well now 3 weeks after no mites=) cut 2 of 3 last night trimmed and drying cut 2 small buds of to taste. 2 hits and im throwing up all over the place. thats my first 7 or os 7s Grrrr! but have one still alive not cut. what can i do?? i washed her down with water. ?? please help!? i just dont want to throw her away if i dont NEED to. but i will.


Well-Known Member
are you saying that you think the "no pest strip" hangin in your room made you sick by smoking the plants??
are you saying that you think the "no pest strip" hangin in your room made you sick by smoking the plants??
Yes, it seems that way. I have done it two times and both times after the second hit I have a flood of sickness then spend the next minute throwing up or at least dry heaving.


I have a hard time believing that the strip got into your weed unless it was in the res or something! Are you sure you properly flushed them or anything else?


Well-Known Member
I have been using Hot Shot strips for 2 years with no problems. I can not say off hand what happened to your plants, but I have never had anyone talk about your symptoms while discussing my weed. I hope it was just a fluke.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that you smoked wet uncured bud with most likely alot of fert within.

You have to dry the bud fully in a dark place, and then cure it..

Im sure it'll taste good after a long cure.(2 weeks min.)

Patience my friend...patience.


Yo closet growth u r a very unique person.i c u have alot of advice, and your shit really works!!!listen to this dude


Well-Known Member
The problem is that you smoked wet uncured bud with most likely alot of fert within.

You have to dry the bud fully in a dark place, and then cure it..

Im sure it'll taste good after a long cure.(2 weeks min.)

Patience my friend...patience.
Definitely gonna have to agree here...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hello, iv made my med poison!! im flowering 3 ssh and about the 7th week i found spider mites. dont have much money so went looking on line found this grower said he's been very happy with "hot shot no-pest strip''. only 7$. well now 3 weeks after no mites=) cut 2 of 3 last night trimmed and drying cut 2 small buds of to taste. 2 hits and im throwing up all over the place. thats my first 7 or os 7s Grrrr! but have one still alive not cut. what can i do?? i washed her down with water. ?? please help!? i just dont want to throw her away if i dont NEED to. but i will.
ummmmmmmmmm very interesting very interesting, BUT NOT. SORRY the pest strip has nothing to dowith it. i use the and im just fine...
The problem is that you smoked wet uncured bud with most likely alot of fert within.

You have to dry the bud fully in a dark place, and then cure it..

Im sure it'll taste good after a long cure.(2 weeks min.)

Patience my friend...patience.
All the ferts where flushed out. I have smoked wet bud before and never had this issue. Everything was dried though. Everything I grow with is organic, the pest strips was something to get me on top the mite issue that popped up. I have never had this issue with bud, glad to see people still standing behind the pest strips though. I was a bit worried. Is it possible that Im having a bad reaction to the strain? I have heard of a lady that has a reaction to a strain.


Active Member
You guys are killin me. Hot Shots No Pest Strips are very dangerous. If you read the back of it, it is very toxic. Not to be used nears restaurants, hospitals and such. It works by releasing a very deep penetrating chemical vapor that is not to be consumed or inhaled. It says its known to cause cancer on the back. Not something I want near my organic grow.........


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
You guys are killin me. Hot Shots No Pest Strips are very dangerous. If you read the back of it, it is very toxic. Not to be used nears restaurants, hospitals and such. It works by releasing a very deep penetrating chemical vapor that is not to be consumed or inhaled. It says its known to cause cancer on the back. Not something I want near my organic grow.........
so if they cause canser and you can,t hang buy your plant but its made to rid pest in your house.. i don't think so.....sorry


Well-Known Member
have someone else smoke it and see if they yak. If they do sell it off and call it yak. If they ask just say you'll see.


Active Member
hello, iv made my med poison!! im flowering 3 ssh and about the 7th week i found spider mites. dont have much money so went looking on line found this grower said he's been very happy with "hot shot no-pest strip''. only 7$. well now 3 weeks after no mites=) cut 2 of 3 last night trimmed and drying cut 2 small buds of to taste. 2 hits and im throwing up all over the place. thats my first 7 or os 7s Grrrr! but have one still alive not cut. what can i do?? i washed her down with water. ?? please help!? i just dont want to throw her away if i dont NEED to. but i will.
Interesting. I introduced these No Pest Strips in to my garden a few months back (spider mite issue), and I noticed similar effects from that crop. I wasn't sure if I just came down with a flu bug or something, but either way I tossed the strips out and have been fine ever since. I can't say for certain that this is what caused me to get sick, but I didn't want to chance it again ............. and if you look at the active ingredients in them, there is little doubt that ingesting that shit would be "good" for you.

Also, they didn't work worth a darn in eliminating the mites, so why chance it????
Well I have given all the comments lots of thought...... the last month I have been smoking bud that has been exposed to the pest strips and didn't connect it right away. I have been more sick in the last month than in a long time. My bud seemed more potent than other peoples and packed a bigger punch, yet having lasting effects that were normal for other bud too. Every hit knocked me back with slight dizziness and disorientation for the first minute. Giving the appearance of really potent bud. This bud was exposed to the pest strips the last two weeks of flowering. The next three plants that were harvested were exposed to the pest strips for 4 to 5 wks, the first hit experience was the same as before but X4 second hit with this bud educed vomiting. I have been extremely sick that last few weeks and now have stopped smoking exposed bud and feel better than I have in the last month. Im still used bud daily but have gotten it from other sources. These pest strips were something I looked into because it was posted that they work and there was no danger in using them..... now on the other side this was my worst mistake. Did some research myself on the main chemical used in the pest strips..... Dichlorvos......http://extoxnet.orst.edu/pips/dichlorv.htm ...... this is a link to a document msds, of some effects, side effects and dangers related with contact with this chemical. When I started reading this paper and discovered symptoms of dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, and over all strange euphoric feeling. The other fact that was interesting was the body metabolizes this chemical very fast, symptoms come on fast and go fast. The next thing I discover when exposed to high doses of this chemical some effects are paralyses or death, these effects can take up to weeks for it to happen. One last thing I asked myself, can I remove the chemical from my medicine? Evaporate, wash, ect? I have bud that has been curing for 6 wks and still have the same reaction. This is my first 7 oz of harvest this is very difficult for me to except the loss. This is clearly stated on the back of the package as stowandgrow stated, This is not for use around food or areas that are occuapied for more than 4 hours a day. To all the people who are using these strips Please rethink the use.Especially if you are growing for other people.


Well-Known Member
Well I have given all the comments lots of thought...... the last month I have been smoking bud that has been exposed to the pest strips and didn't connect it right away. I have been more sick in the last month than in a long time. My bud seemed more potent than other peoples and packed a bigger punch, yet having lasting effects that were normal for other bud too. Every hit knocked me back with slight dizziness and disorientation for the first minute. Giving the appearance of really potent bud. This bud was exposed to the pest strips the last two weeks of flowering. The next three plants that were harvested were exposed to the pest strips for 4 to 5 wks, the first hit experience was the same as before but X4 second hit with this bud educed vomiting. I have been extremely sick that last few weeks and now have stopped smoking exposed bud and feel better than I have in the last month. Im still used bud daily but have gotten it from other sources. These pest strips were something I looked into because it was posted that they work and there was no danger in using them..... now on the other side this was my worst mistake. Did some research myself on the main chemical used in the pest strips..... Dichlorvos......http://extoxnet.orst.edu/pips/dichlorv.htm ...... this is a link to a document msds, of some effects, side effects and dangers related with contact with this chemical. When I started reading this paper and discovered symptoms of dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, and over all strange euphoric feeling. The other fact that was interesting was the body metabolizes this chemical very fast, symptoms come on fast and go fast. The next thing I discover when exposed to high doses of this chemical some effects are paralyses or death, these effects can take up to weeks for it to happen. One last thing I asked myself, can I remove the chemical from my medicine? Evaporate, wash, ect? I have bud that has been curing for 6 wks and still have the same reaction. This is my first 7 oz of harvest this is very difficult for me to except the loss. This is clearly stated on the back of the package as stowandgrow stated, This is not for use around food or areas that are occuapied for more than 4 hours a day. To all the people who are using these strips Please rethink the use.Especially if you are growing for other people.
It is very possible that they made you sick. It says on the back that they are only to be used in spaces that aren't occupied for any period of time. Plants absorb toxins and they may be absorbing the pesticide. Ventilation is something to consider as well. Perhaps the reason why not many other people are experiencing problems is because they have really good exhaust which is removing most of the vapors before the plants get a chance to absorb them. Also, people all react differently to toxins. Some may be completely unaffected while others can become violently ill. Pesticides are some of the most dangerous shit on the planet. Don't be messing around with stuff that isn't suitable for organic vegetable production. Even that stuff can make you really, really sick so be careful fellow stoners. Safety first.:weed: