I messed up big time!!!!


Active Member
Hey everyone. Bad day just got much worse. Two days ago I sprayed my PK with Azamax. A very potent bug spray. Problem with Thrips. I didn't post pictures because I hurt my girls very badly.
The concentration I am using call for a mix of 1oz per gallon. Well, its not the first time I have done any foliar work so the mistake I made just kills me. I mixed at 1oz per LITRE not per gallon. A gallon contains almost 4 litres. So, all of my undergrowth is now showing the effects of a foliar spray that was 3X too strong. The undergrowth is now burned/ damaged in some way or another.
My question is this. Is there anything I can do to help the situation?? How much will this affect my yield?? Week 2 of flower. Man, I am so upset with myself. You put so much work into these and then I sabotage myself by not paying attention.
