i need a change!

ok so i need to change my method of growing, its a pain in the ass!

i've tried a fair few methods and this time around i thought i would try bubbleponics, i've gone by using a 44l water cooler for each plant (im growing trees), so each 4 plants has it's own res which the roots hang into and alot of bubbles are getting pushed into the water coolers.

this is great and all but i'm finding later on in the grow as the root mass gets bigger, the airstones are blocking up and its getting really hard to empty/fill each res.

now, i need a huge amount of root space, and i want to keep using these 44l water coolers, oh and i want to keep it to water only, the plants are in rockwool cubes.

i was thinking maybe do a simple flood design, have each 44l cooler in a larger res, elevate it about 10" from the bottom, put the airstones in the larger res and just flood it into the water cooler (root zone) every 30 minutes or so, i've even considered maybe doing a constant flow, put 2 holes in the bottom of each cooler, flow water in and let it run back down into the res..

any thoughts or other ideas would be great, and if youve spent the time to read all of this then i thank you alot :)


Well-Known Member
Are you still looking to grow trees?

I haven't seen many flood/drain systems with trees
in them. Instead it's usually just a multitude of medium
sized plants.

If you are still growing trees I'd highly recommend an under
current style grow similar to the one I'm doing now in my sig.
If you don't like 5g pots for sites, you can make them however
big or small you want, I've seen people use totes as big as 18g.

Nute change out is a snap, as well as monitoring systems from
the control bucket. My reservoir stays ultra clean with no buildup
as the circulation is pretty heavy, there's also loads of oxygen
getting to the roots.

The official site for this style system is www.cch2o.com

There's also tons of great pictures/information found here