i need advice


Active Member
:blsmoke:cmon i put up a tread showing a mourning of weed shoping and now i want advice about my choices and what i should keep in mind when i probly do it again tomorrow i might even make a dwc rubbermaid air stone rockwool thing since that was my original plan but they didnt have any air stones anywhere in the town i live in i went to like 4 or 5 grocery/drug stores like walgreens or rightaid 3 pet stores and a true value hardware
im thinking of going to this place in the city tomorrow that should have the things i missed today and i could even get some good nutes pls advize on what to do tomorrow and heres what i did today https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/80854-first-grow-remodling.html:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wal Mart usually got the pumps and air strips in the fish section. Might I reccomend Hempy Buckets to you. You dont need all that junk for Hempy Buckets. You need a bucket with a hole in it and some perlight...vermicullite (sic) water..nutes and light. Whut could be mo simpler than that? Its the best angle I have found less your out of town a lot. The buckets need water every day. Some say they dont but they are lying. Dont plan any vacations during that time frame.

Big Wheel