i need alot of help....


Active Member
:cry:please can somone help me im very very new and ive very confused and havealot of questions,

ok here i go, ive got a room 2.4m x 1.2m with one 400w light, my plants are now tiny ive just started they are about 2 inches high, ive got them under my light 24 hours so far and now im stuck, what should i feed them just water ??? nutrients ??? when do i start nutrients ??? and how long should i grow them before puting them into bud ???? im reading lots on this site and everyones so helpfull but i just need to know basic stuff but i feel really bad for not knowing, ive read the thread of the month which was absolutely awesome but nothing has times or when to give nutients or you should do this then and so on , please please help me as i am very very frustrated :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
go to the grow faq. what nutes you have dnt give the full dose only use 1/4 strenght for now.


Well-Known Member
:cry:please can somone help me im very very new and ive very confused and havealot of questions,

ok here i go, ive got a room 2.4m x 1.2m with one 400w light, my plants are now tiny ive just started they are about 2 inches high, ive got them under my light 24 hours so far and now im stuck, what should i feed them just water ??? nutrients ??? when do i start nutrients ??? and how long should i grow them before puting them into bud ???? im reading lots on this site and everyones so helpfull but i just need to know basic stuff but i feel really bad for not knowing, ive read the thread of the month which was absolutely awesome but nothing has times or when to give nutients or you should do this then and so on , please please help me as i am very very frustrated :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
first off you should have your lights on a 18/6 cycle. rember your trying to mimic nature. there is no were on this rock that the sun is up 24/7. let them grow till they are 12-18inches befor changing to flower.don't use nutes till they get there 4th or 5 th node then give them 1/4 of what it recomends. (sorry bad speller).
what you growing them in hydro, soil? what type of light mh or hps? to help you we need details. pics are better. gl on your grow. read through the grow faq lots of helpful info in there.GROWFAQ
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