I need an expert at This ! is my plant my Male,female,hermi ?? PLZ Help..


Well-Known Member
look forward to the pis but some plants need more than 6 weeks esp if you turned the clock to 12/12 before preflowers


Active Member
Actually looking at those pictures more I see the leaves are curled in some bits, thin and strap like in others and off colour too. You have a number of problems i would say- but one of them is those male flower buds that are real tiny but can be seen on a few of those snaps.

Either way though your growth has been stunted by something or a bunch of things so if it was female it would still be struggling. Go over your fundamentals and if you don't know them or have a reference book- go get that info.


Active Member
6 weeks? This cant be 6 weeks it looks more like 6 hours in flower or 6 weeks in veg but not 12/12.
Got some details for us?



mr pandan

the pics i just posted its from one of my plants ( ganja ) , i got another two purple haze plants looking very good and i can see signs of budding ( u can tell its a female ) ,but the problrm is i i started growing them all together at the same time and my ganja is taller than both of my purples but no sign of sex ( pistols and no pollen ) ?!!

i know its the time to show signs of gender ,and trust me i gave them all they need with nutrient and light and such , it's very werid no improvment nothing yet :S

maybe a hermi ?


Well-Known Member
kinda looks like balls, but hard to tell...no preflowers at all, so id say you have a male as well...and been flowering for how long? you must have a light leak or something, and a big one too.


mr godskii

i had few problems with light leaks when i first started the flowering stage , after a week i made a parivet room for them secured with no light leaks , i have been reaserching for all kind of information for growing marijuana .. yet i still cant figuer if its a male.. because these tiny balls u see , is still the same tiny balls when they was on veg stage !!
shoud they in 6 weeks at least grow like the normal pollen as we all know ? they dnt look normal :s


Actually looking at those pictures more I see the leaves are curled in some bits, thin and strap like in others and off colour too. You have a number of problems i would say- but one of them is those male flower buds that are real tiny but can be seen on a few of those snaps.

Either way though your growth has been stunted by something or a bunch of things so if it was female it would still be struggling. Go over your fundamentals and if you don't know them or have a reference book- go get that info.

mr pandan

the pics i just posted its from one of my plants ( ganja ) , i got another two purple haze plants looking very good and i can see signs of budding ( u can tell its a female ) ,but the problrm is i i started growing them all together at the same time and my ganja is taller than both of my purples but no sign of sex ( pistols and no pollen ) ?!!

i know its the time to show signs of gender ,and trust me i gave them all they need with nutrient and light and such , it's very werid no improvment nothing yet :S

maybe a hermi ?​


kinda looks like balls, but hard to tell...no preflowers at all, so id say you have a male as well...and been flowering for how long? you must have a light leak or something, and a big one too.
mr godskii

i had few problems with light leaks when i first started the flowering stage , after a week i made a parivet room for them secured with no light leaks , i have been reaserching for all kind of information for growing marijuana .. yet i still cant figuer if its a male.. because these tiny balls u see , is still the same tiny balls when they was on veg stage !!
shoud they in 6 weeks at least grow like the normal pollen as we all know ? they dnt look normal :s​