I need any advice please


im growing six clones white widow. two of the clones are three feet tall. the other four are two feet but the same the two that are three feet tall look the same just twice as big. now i'm on the 7th week flowering. I have busted my but to get this far. I see alot of red pistels I think you call them turning red on top of the plant buds and also down below the plants I tried to take the best pictures I could please help me to no just when to pull..... I check my email more and half the time I can't remember the site I just asked for help. so please email me at snowboarder6237@yahoo.com



Well-Known Member
Nice job, I looked close at your pics, you are growing buds now. I would say you have about a month left for maximum yield. The buds will grow about an inch or two and fatten up. The pistils will all get darler and the white powder you see will turn a darker amber color.

If you are in a hurry I did notice your thrichomes are kinda cloudy, it would get you high now but would be much better to wait.


Well-Known Member
id wait longer too, maybe another month like cruzer said

the real way to tell when its ready is to get a scope and check out the colors of the trichs. theres a few guides around here that can explain it better than me


Well-Known Member
Mate i would sy at least another month or so there... Keep doing what your doing and post some more pics in 2 weeks or so.

Good luck