I need help adjusting my water

Hello all ,

I have a question regarding what I need to do in-order to adjust the water that is in my reservoir.

To break it down, the fundamental question is whether, I need to adjust the pH first and than add the nutrients or add nutrients to the water first and than adjust pH.

I am complied to add the nutrients first and than adjust pH...but I am hearing otherwise from fellow growers. I don't know which is right or wrong. I am not sure if it even matters...I would also like to know why one method is more efficient vs. the other. Any expert advice would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
You were right. You add everything that you plan to add, then adjust the PH. If you added the nutes afterwards, the PH would be way off.


Active Member
I typically wait a few hours after ive added everything to adjust my PH. Many nutrients/supplements affect PH, especially any silica supplement.