i need help first time grower

ok i need to know what type of cheap lighting i can get at wallmart for 10 plants ...and how long it takes to grow indoors i wanna do the 12 weeks.....how long they need to grow tell its time to bud...and is it safe to buy the seeds from this site if your in the u.s


Well-Known Member
you should go to the FAQs section..
indeed, all your answers are there bru. cfls are the cheap lights you want, but it depends on your set up as hid lights provide better money to results ratio (imo) Low kelvin range for veg, high for flower (mix is good - so 2700 - 6500)

EDIT: a lot of people on this site from the US order seeds on line...


Well-Known Member
your best bet is to get a prepaid visa so nothing is in your name except what ever u choose to write down on the seedbank website. Marijuana-seeds.nl is personally my favourite they are by far the cheapest and the quickest also ! your looking at roughly 10 days from date of purchase