I need help from expert grower

ok, before I ask my question here is the score on my plant. fyi, I've never grown before.

1. This plant is about 3 months old
2. it's only about 6 inches
3. it has white hairs in sets of 2 growing mainly from the top.
4. except for the size, it looks very healthy. just small.
5. it's mainly an out door plant but has been moved indoors during cold weather.

I know under the best conditions, plants only need 3 months to grow. my question is under the conditions that I stated, how long would it take my plant to bud up? I'm almost positive it's female but like I said, I've never grown before.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
r u trying to finish indoors or outdoors. fyi, i'm no expert grower, but i do play one on the internet


Well-Known Member
outdoors durring sunny days. indoors at night or cloudy/rainy days under fluorescent light
Umm well it sounds female. Doing the growing in and out think isnt a good idea unless growing in and flowering out IMO.

Three month old plant should be huge. I think what your doing is throwing it outside and it thinks its flowering than back in thinking its growing.

Whats your light cycle indoors.


Active Member
how many watts is your florescent, It probably isnt growing tall because you dont have enough light on it when you put it inside making the plant think its in flowering stage because the light isnt strong enough. How cold does it get where you gro? if it isnt under i always say 40 degrees ferenheit than leaving it outside would probably be your best bet. Or get a couple of them florescents and put them on 12/12 and get yourself a quick gram lol.


Well-Known Member
we will need to know how many hours of light this plant is receiving, it has to be on the same schedule if your moving it indoors and out.... i think that would probably be the reason your plant isnt growing much....
keep it under the fluo's for 18h a day and 6 hours in darkness.. make sure to put it in a humidity dome, and dont water it too often.... until it gets much bigger...
If your plant eventually grows and you decide to flower it, or it flowers by itself... you might get hermiphrodites due to all the stress it had from different light hours....
