I need Help on 12'x10'x9' Bedroom to Grow room setup. Please Help. Photos coming

Im currently brainstorming a design for a 12x10x9 empty bedroom. There is 1 window, but opens over my garage, A 7'x2' sliding door closet, An Air conditioning vent connected to my homes central air system. And the door.

From my previous set up i have 2 Lumatex 400w Electronic Ballasts, and 2 hoods. And a Dehumidifier.

I guess my first question, because it seems like my biggest problem, is what do i do about ventilation. I believe my window is useless because of security reasons. I think the AC is good enough to bring in cold fresh air, but Im not sure. I have no idea about what i should do to get old air out.

My next question would be about lighting. I wanted to use the 400w bulbs and put them on light movers. Maybe two 9' linear movers with sodium bulbs. Or i also heard a Circular mover with one sodium and one metal halide works better. Let me know what yall think.

Please help! This is my first growroom build out. I tried to set up a 6'x4' closet in a garage and did ok but had too many problems. Pest, mold etc... I want to do it right this go around. I have the space, i just need to plan it right. I will keep a picture album going from day one of construction all the way to harvest time. I need everyones input.