I need help please plant problem


Well-Known Member
My plant looks like this:
it was really healthy before i put it on the box and after 4 days of being there this happened anyone knows why?



and the box



Well-Known Member
the temp inside is hot but not that hot and the dirt its not the problem cause as soon as i put the plant in the growing case it started to go like that
the PH i have the pc in a corner it may need to be far from it to get less heat or i don't know


Active Member
too much light, heat, humidity....air flow, it could also be starved if that is just dirt....that dirt has no perlite or anything? any nutes?

But i agree that soil looks pretty bad...looks like its from outside.....just get good soil, it might of sprouted or started to grow but now the roots are searching for the food and that soil looks empty.


Active Member
way to much nuts most likely loook at thous leaves yellow from the tips curly and crispy did u add nutes to ur soil wich already has nutes in it i dont kno about soil to much but i never use no nuts tell i start seeing a little bit of roots except growth stimulant


Well-Known Member
i read the box of the dirt and it says it has all this stuff but the dirt looked so much different before i think the problem was the heat inside the box cause it made the dirt look different also look i got some pics of the dirt


in the box says it has Humus, Organic Soil , Perlite Sand and neutral PH