I need learning on brands of equipment PLEASE!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys........what brands of equipment does everyone accept as good stuff?

I saw some stuff on hydrofarm but to be honest I dont have a clue as to what is good for what and what is crap.

I dont mind spending money if I get quality and Im not educated enough to make that decision on what is and what isnt.

Hypotheticaly Im looking at 4 600w lights.

So let me give a first draft of equiptment and you guys tell me what to change or keep.

4 600w lights (Im thinking of using 2 HPS and 2 MH but it would be only for flowering.......so maybe just all HPS if thats what keeps things happy.

Hydrofarm has dual 600w ballasts..........digital and supposedly draw less power.

Id need to find the best cool tubes with the best reflectors and all the books Ive read have differing opinions (doulbe parabolics and plain parabolics......

2 Vortex inline fans (1 dedicated to lights and 1 to move heat when neccessary)

If I use both types of lights Ill need movers for the lights.......which ones?

T5 for mothers and clones? I see wild pricing on these...........are they that expensive or am I being hustled?

What controllers to use? This would be elaborate so it would have to be multiple or very complex.

Controllers for lights, fans (obviously Id need one fan to be on with the lights and one triggered by room temp and the room temp would have to shut off the C02 while ducting)

As you can see Im very much in over my head............so help a brotha out with an ideal set up.