I need some help with my plants


Active Member
I have seven marijuana plants. Three are planted in the ground and two out of the three have seven leaves and one has nine leaves. What does this mean? I also have four that are still in pots in a green house. The ones in the green house were all planted around the same time. Two out of the four are tall and green with nice green colored stems, but one of them has a red stem. Does this mean something? Or will the red stem eventually turn green? On the last one that is in the green house it is short and semi bushy, but it was planted at the same time as the other ones, it doesn't seem to be getting taller just bushy, some of the leaves look deformed. Does this mean anything? Is it possibly a deformed plant??


Well-Known Member
can't really help you out without any pictures? i can say though that when the plants are seedlings that stems have somewhat of a red'ish hue for a little bit, it will turn green. as far as the other things though.. need to see pics.