I Need Suggestions.


Active Member
So im making an indoor setup but it needs to be on the less expensive side.. these days moneys kinda tight.. Anyway, I need to know what kind of soil is good because for some reason every time I grow indoor my soil starts to mold after about a month or two?? But anyway.. Right now I have a bunch of females germinated but I need some good lights for vegitation i can't afford HPS right now so i figured i should just get a bunch of flouresent lights.. Is there anything better i could use thats good for vegitation i want my plants to grow fast and the leaves to grow close together every time i grow the leaves are farther apart and it takes a long time for them to start a growth spurt but maybe its cause I always use shitty lighting ? But i need some suggestions on what you guys think you all seem pretty knowledgeable.

thanks!! -puredmt:peace:


Well-Known Member
dude i just made this lil wonder for 500 bucks all in one weekend, it is unreal and real easy to move as it has wheelz n can be put anywhere u want it... i will attach some pics for ur viewing pleasure n the dimensions r 5' tall, 2' wide n 3' length n ideally shud hold 8 3 gallon pots:joint:



Well-Known Member
ya thats y i love rollitup,, everyone makes sure i get that taken care of, sumthin i prolly wudnt of thot that much about, n wuda learned the hard way.. my women has some tights for the fan coverings and some insulation tape for the door


Well-Known Member
i use promix hp, but any high quality soiless mix works great, just remember to chek to make sure it has lots of perlite or a air and water absorber.. unless u want to organic, n then ur into a whole other realm of dirt...


Well-Known Member
strong light is the key to tight node spacing. if you decide to go with a CFL grow - i recommend you get the new seemorebuds book. though i'd recommend MH for vegging and HPS for flowering (old faithfuls).