I Never Get Much From Edibles


I've talked to people that say an edibles high can sometimes be so strong it feels like a trip, but I've cooked on 3 separate occasions and the most I've felt is a very weak body high. Nothing worth mentioning

A few days ago I cooked a batch with a half ounce of decent mids, consumed the entire batch that day and felt almost nothing. I spoke to a friend of mine and he has been smoking for 20 years and he says he never gets much from edibles, either.

Anyone else like this?


Well-Known Member
Try drinking Milk with it.
I can cripple myself eatting Brownies made with my canna budder.
I bet I could change your mind LOL.


Well-Known Member
Make with high grade I use my clippings from bubba kush last harvest had people so high they could not function haha. I have about an 1/8th of trimmings in each brownie I tell people only eat half don't heed the warning and will be high for 8 hours lol. The better the ingredients going in the better the end product even with edibles.


Well-Known Member
I've talked to people that say an edibles high can sometimes be so strong it feels like a trip, but I've cooked on 3 separate occasions and the most I've felt is a very weak body high. Nothing worth mentioning

A few days ago I cooked a batch with a half ounce of decent mids, consumed the entire batch that day and felt almost nothing. I spoke to a friend of mine and he has been smoking for 20 years and he says he never gets much from edibles, either.

Anyone else like this?
If your not getting high off of edibles then your probably not making them right. It took me a lot of experimenting to get the best results so just try changing up the methods you're using. I just stopped using plant material all together and I go with water hash, honey oil, or dry sieve. I place the oil or butter in a bowl over top of a pot of water and let it steam on med. low heat for an hour to an hour and a half. The last batch of brownies I made kept me messed up for 14-16 hours, I probably used 4-5 grams of hash and kief for one batch of Betty Crocker brownies. Also, I like using vegetable oil more than butter.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Or some people just handle weed in different ways, they do very little for me either regardless of strenght, amount, the chef etc, as you say, just a weak body high


bud bootlegger
i had thought the same thing.. i was in amsterdam a few years ago, and had some space cakes for breakfast everyday.. they say each brownie was made with a half gram of hash, and i didn't feel shit, other than not hungry anymore lol..
but the last couple of weeks i've been reading here and other forums about how good edibles are, so i had a ton of leaf laying around, and i used about a half an ounce of reggie bud and added it to two sticks of butter, and enough water to cover the leafy material in the pan.. i had read online that you need to simmer the mixture for upwards of 24 hours, but i didn't have anyway near that amount of time to make my budder, so i let mine simmer for around 3 hours or so.. i strained the nasty stuff out of the budder with some cheese clothe, and put the dish with the water butter mix back in the fridge to let it seperate.. once hard, the budder comes right off the top of the water..
i got a pack of brownie mix from acme.. i checked to make sure that they called for butter and not oil, as a lot of them called for oil.. mine called for 1/4 cup of butter, and i had a lil over the 1/4 cup needed, added it all, cooked the brownies for about 30 minutes or so at 350, and took them out, let cool, and cut into 9 pieces..
at first, i was stoned while i was cooking them, and was hungry to boot.. so i ate about two and a half of them the first day.. now i work nights, and had been up since about 9 the night before, and it was about 9 am when i ate them.. i tried to go to bed at around 1 pm, but harldy slept at all since i was frigging flying from those browines.. it was almost like i had eaten some shrooms, honestly.. crazy crazy crazy stone from them, and i heavy body load as well.. great visuals, everything.. when i woke up at 9p to get ready for work, i could hardly open my eyes.. i looked in the mirror at myself, and i looked like i was run over by a bus.. when i got to work, everyone said how fucked up and stoned that i looked.. all i could say was you have no idea, lol.. the high lasted for another good five hours or so that night, and the next day i slept like a zombie..i gave a few of them away to people at work as i was a lil scared of them, lol, and everyone had the same results as me..
i just finished my last brownie and a half last night, and they were still incredible.. if i ate about a half of one, the result was a nice stone, and heavy lids, and lighter visuals, that still lasted for around six or seven hours..
needless to say, i'll be making these things again, very soon..


Well-Known Member
The most important thing you need to remember is to take it on an empty stomach and I mean empty. Dont eat a brownie then go have a steak dinner or something give it a few hours and it should hit you but, like someone above me earlier stated, different strokes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
Or some people just handle weed in different ways, they do very little for me either regardless of strenght, amount, the chef etc, as you say, just a weak body high
I don't know man. If you get high from smoking it it shouldn't matter what the delivery method is. Cooking with cannabis can be tricky but if done right it's like you took some strong pain killers and sometimes can be too intense.


Well-Known Member
i've made brownies and cookies 4 or 5 times. i never smoked while i was eating because i wanted to see if edibles worked. they never seemed to do anything for me, but my friends that i gave some to said they worked great..

i also bought some cookies from a dispensary, i ate 5 of them and they didnt do a thing...best tasting cookies ive ever had though..

but i have crohn's disease and i cant take some meds because my body doesnt process them right...so the dr's say anyway....so that might be my problem with edibles.


Active Member
I place the oil or butter in a bowl over top of a pot of water and let it steam on med. low heat for an hour to an hour and a half.
I'm sorry, could you explain that a little more, you kinda lost me? Do you mix the hash with the oil/butter and steam, or did I understand that wrong? I bet using hash or honey oil tastes better than with plant material, huh, or is it the same?


Well-Known Member
I take the pot and fill about half way with water. I then take a class mixing bowl big enough to sit a couple of inches inside the pot and the majority sticking out above the rim, it's pretty much the same concept as a double boiler. I place my oil and hash in the bowl and let it steam for about 60-90 minutes( I usually keep my stove top on 3). I let it cool slightly,so not to cook the eggs while mixing, while I gather all the other requirements (eggs,water, pan, etc...), mix, and put them directly in the oven.


Well-Known Member
i've made brownies and cookies 4 or 5 times. i never smoked while i was eating because i wanted to see if edibles worked. they never seemed to do anything for me, but my friends that i gave some to said they worked great..

i also bought some cookies from a dispensary, i ate 5 of them and they didnt do a thing...best tasting cookies ive ever had though..

but i have crohn's disease and i cant take some meds because my body doesnt process them right...so the dr's say anyway....so that might be my problem with edibles.
I'd still experiment if I were you. After eating a bunch edibles and not feeling anything I had almost given up myself on making em' but the first time I got them to come out right I was blown away. It really surprised the shit out of me. I wasn't expecting much and 2 hours later I couldn't move.


If your not getting high off of edibles then your probably not making them right. It took me a lot of experimenting to get the best results so just try changing up the methods you're using. I just stopped using plant material all together and I go with water hash, honey oil, or dry sieve. I place the oil or butter in a bowl over top of a pot of water and let it steam on med. low heat for an hour to an hour and a half. The last batch of brownies I made kept me messed up for 14-16 hours, I probably used 4-5 grams of hash and kief for one batch of Betty Crocker brownies. Also, I like using vegetable oil more than butter.
Hm, alright, I won't write edibles off just yet then. After reading a few posts I'm starting to suspect it was my baking skills and/or the recipe I used. I've been following the guidelines here, http://www.applesoft.com/brownies/, because a buddy of mine says that's what he uses and always gets blazed out of his mind. Thoughts?

Oh and to the other post, high grade was used in my first and second cook and wasn't effective. Could've just been my lack of chef know-how :confused:


Active Member
I'm actually glad I found this thead, finally somebody else which MIGHT be "imune" to edible cannabis.

I've tried to cook all sorts of ways, after wasting half a jar of cured bud I quit - believing I sucked at doing this.
Then I ate some cookies with friends, which was made by my one of them. They all got high, but not me. I felt nothing at all.

Maybe some people don't have the ability to get high on edibles? Anybody else with same problem?

BTW: been a daily smoker since I was a teenager, I'm now 42. So tolerance is high, but that should not prevent me from feeling something.
First time I ever tried making brownies it was a success. Too much of a success really... one person fell asleep for a whole day, the other was freaking out yelling at people to turn off the lights and hide in the room, another person freaked and went to the hospital, and i thought the person that freaked out was gonna come kill me..... It was a truly terrifying experience, I was high for three or four days... BE CAREFUL IF IT IS YOUR FIRST TIME DOING EDIBLES.


Active Member
Edibles used to work but now its hard to even notice anything. It doesn't matter how much I take, on an empty stomach or with milk or anything really. I bought these brownies from a compassion club and he guy said he cant eat more then half of one and he is a wreck. But I was able to eat two full ones and be buzzed, now two just make me a little sleepy and nothing more.


Active Member
First time I ever tried making brownies it was a success. Too much of a success really... one person fell asleep for a whole day, the other was freaking out yelling at people to turn off the lights and hide in the room, another person freaked and went to the hospital, and i thought the person that freaked out was gonna come kill me..... It was a truly terrifying experience, I was high for three or four days... BE CAREFUL IF IT IS YOUR FIRST TIME DOING EDIBLES.
Sorry but that really makes you sound like a fucking idiot lol

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya must be doing it wrong like i see so many of the how to`s show. they dont know what carbolization is,. and simmer way way to long. i see some say simmer for many hours and that is killing off the thc. all ya need on average is 2 hours.

he means to use a double boiler in above post

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I've talked to people that say an edibles high can sometimes be so strong it feels like a trip, but I've cooked on 3 separate occasions and the most I've felt is a very weak body high. Nothing worth mentioning

A few days ago I cooked a batch with a half ounce of decent mids, consumed the entire batch that day and felt almost nothing. I spoke to a friend of mine and he has been smoking for 20 years and he says he never gets much from edibles, either.

Anyone else like this?
I'm exactly the same. and I don't think it has anything to do with "not doing it right" , lol. I think it has more to do with a persons digestive system.

lol@the people saying "not making it right" lmfao! when I make it, everyones stoned off thier ass but me, go figure.:clap: